usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


born in the year nineteen jeffety-jeff

so here i am. staying with the dee dee. having a good time. or course, i've been a tad too exhausted for the past couple of days to much of anything other than sleep.

we brought the animals over on tuesday night. and when i say animals, i mean, ANIMALS. being the sweet, wonderful, beautiful person that she is, she agreed to let us bring all the animals over here until we can get the power on down in dinwiddie.

and by all the animals i mean:
2 colonies of mice
1 chinchilla traumatized by the car ride
1 ferret who needs a bath
1 moody iguana
1 bearded dragon also traumatized by the car ride
2 savannah monitors who could not care less
20 misc. snakes whom i currently share a room with

as it turned out, the guy that told us, over a month ago, that he would house all our animals, AND help us move, crapped out on us and we haven't been able to get in touch with him. he sure found me fast last week when he needed 20 bucks. but that's okay, he won't find me that fast again.

anyway, so we worked until 5 am tuesday night/wednesday morning loading my dad's truck up and the trailor that we rented and the back of my car. then we drove the truck over to my dad's and parked it in his driveway and drove back over to suzanne's. we finally get here a little after 6 am. we slept from 6:30 am until 11:00 am and then we headed back to dinwiddie to unload the truck.

we still have not finished the trailor. when jeff gets off of work he's coming over here to get me and we're going to borrow my dad's truck, again, to go out to dinwiddie, unload the trailor and then take it back up to midlothian and turn it in.

so jeff stayed here with me last night. well, sort of. lol suzanne doesn't have room for both of us to stay here all the time but she said jeff could stay every now and then, so he stayed last night hoping that sleeping in the bed instead of on a couch would help his back feel better.

he ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room. lol

usually we have a fan going in our bedroom. jeff needs the noise to sleep and we both like it to be kind of cool. but, our fan is broken so i need to pick up a new one today. it was only like 5 bucks at walgreens. so, anyway, it was warm in my room last night when jeff tried to go to bed. he tossed and turned, he tried sleeping in the floor by the door, and finally i was like, just go sleep on the couch right under the a/c. so he did.

it kind of sucked to have him there but not there.

anyway, so tonight he's back to jennie's. good times.

anyway, it's 10 am now and i'm having a nic-fit so i must get dressed and head out to suzanne's front yard for my first cig of the day. i will say, i am smoking a hell of a lot less in the past couple of days i've been here. jeff too now that i think about it. cool.

anyway, so i need a cig and a shower and i'll talk to all ya'll later. you'll understand if i'm on more sporadically(sp?) than usual. bye.

9:48 am - 04 Oct 2002


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