usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


DeeDee kicks ass at Monopoly

i hate mosquitos. i have about one million and one mosquito bites on my arms, legs, hands, and feet. it sucks. they itch. bady. i have bites on top of bites on top of bites. i must be sweet or something. *shrugs*

so i called the phone company and the power company today. we should have phone and power out at the house on thursday. yay! i just have to pay the power bill that i owe from the apartment on wednesday when i get paid and make sure all the circuit breakers are off down at the house and on thursday we will have power!

now we just have to get the well fixed so we'll have water and then get the junk out of the house and it will be livable. in case i haven't mentioned it or in case you couldn't figure it out, i am very, very, and i do mean VERY, excited about moving into the house.

the house is rilly rilly old. it was built in like 1850. it was a school house. it's kind of a junker but sort of what you'd call a fixer-upper. it has potential. it needs paint. a lot of paint. and it needs new windows and screens. and new kitchen cabinets and counters. but everything that needs to be done can be done a bit at a time here and there as we have the money and the time to do it.

all that matters right now is that it is a house. me and jeff's house.

of course then he suggested that amy and joey and amy's two kids move in with us too for a while. amy's been wanting to move out that way for a while. actually, i'm pretty okay iwth the idea.

the rent is only $100 a month but it would help all of us if we only had to pay $50 a month and split the utilities. it's still something that we're talking about and seeing about working out. nothing definite. we'll see.

so yesterday jeff and i spent the day cleaning cages and feeding reptiles. i started cleaning out the meese's (mice) cage and splitting them up into two seperate colonies instead of one before he got back from work and then he came out and helped me. suzanne helped me clean fred's cage out and we gave him a dust bath when kim got here so she could watch.

then kim and suz went off to sew and jeff and i brought all the snakes out onto the deck one by one and cleaned their cages and fed them. it is a very time consuming job. it literally takes us all day to do that.

of course, we "clean" the cages every other day or so. meaning we check the cages for poo, shed skin and fill up water bowls and such. then we "CLEAN" cages about once a week. meaning we switch out the old substrate for new, wash the cages and water bowls and feed everyone.

anyway, so i had new respect for kim yesterday as she held bob, our adult male ball python. granted, as a male he is only three and a half to four feet long, still, most people not accustomed to snakes feel intimidated by something that size. personally, i am way intimidated by our six and seven foot plus boas. lol

anyway, so yesterday everyone but sugar got their cages cleaned as i was out of ferret litter and had to go to PetsMart this morning and get some so i put him off until today.

so i took his cage out onto the deck and tried to figure out what i was going to do with him while i cleaned his cage out. as i take the cage apart and hose it off with the water hose to clean it, it isn't feasible that he could stay in it like fred does when i clean his cage.

so i decided i was going to put him in a box and place the litter bag on top of it so that he couldn't get out of it. *note: the box had holes in it already because we brought mice home in it yesterday. i wasn't trying to suffocate him or anything.*

anyway, so i was over by the steps rinsing the cage off and all the while i had heard sugar scratching around trying to get out of the box.

when i noticed that i wasn't hearing it anymore i looked over to check and there he was standing stock still in the middle of the deck.

sugar does not like to be outside.

he once escaped from our apartment when lisa came over and stood in the doorway without closing the door and almost before we noticed he was gone he was right back inside hiding under a table. lol he rilly does not like outside.

so anyway, he was kind of looking around and laying down flat on his belly and as soon as he saw me coming towards him he ran to me so i could pick him up. lol he is the silliest thing. he's such a sweetie, well, except for the fact that he's fond of chewing on things, my feet in particular.

anyway, so i finally got his cage finished and got him back inside it where is now happily playing with his bell toy.

well, jeff is getting ready to go to work, my head is hurting a bit so i think i may take my book and have a little lie down read. i'm on the fourth book of the vampire chronicles. The Tale of the Body Thief. very good. anne rice rocks.


3:50 p.m. - 07 Oct 2002


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