usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


my first truckstop creep

so today was my last day on first shift. starting tomorrow i'm working 4 pm to 12 am. i'm actually looking forward to it. i am so not a morning person so it has always sucked for me to try to get up and get to work on time first thing in the morning. just ask suzanne. lol

my dad came down to see me at work today. it's almost a 2 hour drive for him. he just showed up out of the blue. he bought me a bbq sandwich and we sat down and had lunch together. it was very nice.

he tripped and felll though as he was getting ready to leave. he scared me half to death. he bruises so easily now and his bones are so brittle. he said he was okay though but i called him when i got home this evening just to check.

his heart doctor has cleared him for his transplant. so now he is just waiting to hear from the transplant team. they are supposed to call any day now. every time the phone rings my mom says her heart just about stops.

he's going to have to be in the hospital for at least a month. perhaps as long as three. he is not looking forward to it at all. but when i told him to compare it with the alternative he agreed that a few weeks in the hospital would be preferable.

i just pray that this works. he's very bad off. he plays it down when he talks to me but my mom tells me the truth. besides, i can tell just by looking at him.

he is so scared that he is going to die. and what can i say to comfort him? of course i tell him he's not, the transplant is going to work and he's going to be fine in a few months. but he knows that i am also scared to death that he is going to die so he pretends that what i say makes him feel better and i pretend i'm not scared to death and life goes on. for now.

i didn't mean for this entry to take the morbid turn that it did and i apologize. i have actually been in a very good mood for the past several days.

i really enjoy my job and i'm good at it and that makes me happy. diana says i'm like a completely different person than i've been for the past several months. and i agree, i feel great. i feel like i have more energy even though i'm exhausted and my friggin feet are killing me 24 hours a day.

actually, they hurt less every day. and next friday i will get my first paycheck so the hell with pain.

i had my first encounter with a creepy trucker today. julia helped me out though by calling me from the back of the store and pretending that she needed me for something so eventually he went away.

i know these guys are lonely or whatever and sure, i'll talk to you but i want to have a normal conversation.

talk to me about the weather or where you've been or where you're going. don't ask me if i'm attached or how old i am or does my man provide for me or am i interested in finding a "real" man.

and do not, i repeat, do NOT touch me. don't put your arm around me, don't tickle me, i don't want to shake your dirty fucking diesel fuel smelling hand.

i just get the creeps thinking about it. but really, the job is great. i think if i can average one creep a week i'll be doing pretty good. the girl who is training me had 4 creeps her first day.

so i'm out of here. i don't have to get up early in the morning but i want to go get a shower. it's hot as hell in here and i'm sweating through my shirt. a nice cold shower will be the perfect end to another good day.

hey, i think this is a record. i've had 4 good days in a row. that hasn't happened in years. lol


11:31 pm - 08 May 2003


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