usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


life is good, even when you're tired

all i want is to add a friggin entry. i'm very sorry that i'm not a gold member. i used to be a gold member and i plan to be a gold member again in a few short weeks. doesn't that count for something? i didn't think so...

so here's the recap of my week so far if you're interested.

yes i still love my job. despite the fact that i am at the very moment brain dead because of my job. let me explain.

i was scheduled to be off on sunday and monday of this week. so i was off on sunday and then monday julia called and she was like, beth had to work a double shift last night because shona didn't show up and didn't call and beth is supposed to work again tonight but she's exhausted so would you mind coming in and working for her tonight and getting some overtime?

do i mind overtime? um, let's see... nope, sure don't, i'll be there.

so i go to work 4-12 monday thinking woohoo i'm getting 8 more hours of overtime. yay for me. lol

so i work with this guy mikey, who, as it turns out, i used to know like 10 years ago or so. he used to be rilly good friends with my brother. he knows my parents and he used to come to our house all the time. anyway, so mikey and i worked well together. i got an extra 8 hours and all was well.

so tuesday went fine and then wenesday came. i worked 4-12 again with julia. and then shona didn't come to work, again. she hasn't worked a single day this week. she didn't call, didn't show. nothing. so who got to work the double shift last night? guess who. i was all like, yay, more overtime for me.

then around 4 this morning, i died. then it was like fuck overtime, fuck money, fuck shona, fuck circle d, fuck customers that want coffee and bbq sandwiches in the middle of the fucking night, fuck everything.

i was beyond tired.

working and 8 hour shift on less than 4 hours of sleep when you've been fighting a 3 day migraine sucks bad enough. but to work a 16 hour shift on less than 4 hours of sleep when you've been fighting a 3 day migraine is very closely related to cruel and unusual punishment.

so then jeff shows up this morning to pick me up and he's all pissed off. he's pissed at me and he's pissed at the managers and he's fussing and i'm tired and don't feel like dealing with his shit after literally standing on my feet for 16 fucking hours.

now, i understand why he is pissed but it does no good to be pissed. i have a tendancy to let people take advantage of me and he is pissed that i let them call me in on my day off and then i let them make me work the 16 when there were a couple of other employees who were off that day that they could have called in. and so on and so on. you get the point. if i let them do all this in my first two weeks there then they will know that they can make me work whatever and i won't say a word and you have to stand up for yourself you are in no shape to work 16 hours when you are half blind with a migraine and yada yada yada.

so then i'm waiting on who is to be my last customer of a very long night and i slice my hand open on the cigarette wall. it's difficult to explain exactly how i did it. but i probably needed stitches. as i did it this morning around 7:45 and it bled continually until close to 11 am and i have bled through 3 band aids today.

of course now it's too late to get stitches so i am going to eventually have a rilly nice scar on the middle finger of my right hand. ah, but such is life.

so the store manager wasn't there yet when i left as i was bleeding all over the store so i left a few minutes early. so i called her when i got home and i was like can you please find someone to work 4-12 for me tonight because there is no way i am going to be in any shape to come back up there at 4 today. so she was like i was just getting ready to call you, we'll just see you friday.

so i came upstairs to go to bed and of course by that time i was once again wide friggin awake and i laid in the bed and annoyed jeff who was still pissed at me until almost 10 when i finally fell asleep.

he won't admit it but one of the reasons he was pissed at me is because i didn't come home last night. it's rilly kind of sweet in a bizarre way. i said something to him this morning like you look like you don't feel good. and was like i don't feel good, i felt bad last night too which you would have known if you'd have come home. and later he said something about how he couldn't sleep last night. and when i came home this morning i couldn't help but notice how he'd slept on my side of the bed last night. lol

so yeah, i'm tired, i love my job, tomorrow is my first payday in ages and jeff loves me in his own rilly strange way.

life is pretty good.

7:27 pm - 15 May 2003


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