usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


colds in june suck rilly rilly bad

so i woke up tuesday morning with a sore throat. not really like full blown sore but sort of scratchy and icky but it went away pretty quickly. after smoking like 4 cigs. ha ha. anyway, so then wed it was scritchy again and it got worse and worse as the day went on. i think i mentioned i wasn't feeling well in my entry last night. yeah, the throat noise/itch thing.

so anyway, i don't have any tissues because, well, because it's friggin june and i didn't expect to end up with a flipping cold in june! so i used an entire jumbo roll of toilet paper last night blowing my nose so now i'm looking like a close relative of bozo the clown. seriously, it's all red and way swollen and dear lord it hurts. and this wasn't like cheap sandpaper toilet paper. it was angel soft for crying out loud.

i don't think it's fair for one person to have this much snot in their head. god should spread the love a little already.

sorry, that was gross.

so i had to go in to work for a bit this morning. stictly off the clock stuff though. i've already pulled close to five hours of overtime this week and i still have 2 days left to work. anyway, so today was amy's last day. she's the one we went out with this weekend. so we did cake and a card and some presents and such at work and i wanted to go in and say goodbye since i was off today. and i wanted cake.

then i had my appointment with cathy. she says i'm going very well working on my depression and self image and my ocd and all that so now she thinks we are ready to tackle the discussion of relationships. specifically my bad relationship choices. sounds fun. mainly today we talked about my ex-husband and stuff. however she pointed out that every time we started to talk about jeff i talked for a minute and then started talking about something else. it wasn't on purpose but i realized when she pointed it out that she was right.

she says it's cool that i'm not ready to discuss it yet. we have plenty of time. it's not even that i've made the concious choice not to talk about it, i don't even realize when i'm changing the subject that i'm doing it. it just sort of happens. oh well.

so i was making the 45 minute drive home from the city this afternoon from my appointment and i remember getting onto the interstate because there was a song i like playing on the radio. can't tell you now what it was but when i got home 40 minutes later i was still singing it with no recollection of how i got into my driveway. apparently i switched on the auto-pilot and sang my way home. luckily i didn't kill myself or anyone else. i just remember being so miserable that i just wanted to be home right now and i guess i zoned.

so i finished my new stephanie plum last night and it was great. of course i was disappointed when i got to the end simply because it was ending and i hate it when a book i am really enjoying ends. pathetic i know but what can i say?

so speaking earlier of feeling miserable, i am. i am running a fever of 102 and my ears are on fire. i just took some nyquil and i'm hoping that it will be kicking in any moment. i need to sleep because tomorrow is going to be an extremely busy day at work. fridays always bust my ass at work, even when i'm feeling good so i know tomorrow is going to be rough.

anyway, toodles guys.

7:40 pm - 24 Jun 2004


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