usmcsis's Diaryland Diary



got up on time for work this morning, yay me. got dressed and headed out. i was feeling kinda squicky, but i figured it was just the lack of sleep and lack of caffeine. not so.

there was a wreck on rt10 and i ended up stuck in traffic for over twenty minutes. hello rubberneckers, yes, those two trucks are now attached at the bumpers, can we fucking go now please? anyway, about two minutes into my sitting still, the squickiness got worse and suddenly, i just knew.

i threw my door open and leaned out just in time to vomit all over the road. good times. sorry to whoever was behind me as i'm sure it was not so cool to see first thing in the morning. and lucky driver that they were, they got to watch me do it three more times before we finally got to the cutoff that i take to "short-cut it" to work.

i was only a few minutes from work and it would have taken me way longer to turn around and drive home (hello rubberneckers on the other side of the road!) and call in than it would take me just to go to work and tell them i was going home. i walked in the door and the three people standing there immediately took a step back and were like, what have you got?

way to make a person feel loved bitches.

i'm kidding. we've been passing this shit around to each other for months and no one else wants it. hell, i've been avoiding talking to my peeops who have kids for over a month now in hopes that i wouldn't get it. anyway, so i obviously looked like ass and i sounded like ass and i was shaking like a fucking leaf. i'm sitting here now in my pj's wrapped in my quilt shivering like it's ten below in here.

i'm eating some melba toast in hopes that it will settle my stomach a little. i was hungry when i woke up this morning and debated on having some butter and bacon grits. so glad i didn't go that route. but come on, the only thing i ate all day yesterday was a salmon cake for dinner. i completely forgot to eat until five in the afternoon so there really can't be that much in my stomach right?

don't you just love squicky entries?

in other news, mario vasquez has dropped out of american idol competition due to "personal family issues." he says his family comes first and that's cool and all, but damn! i loved mario and now they've brought back nikko who i so do NOT love to replace him. that sucks big time. sadly, ai will not be half as fun to watch without mario's great personality. not to mention the fact that nikko really doesn't have a great deal of personality. but it's all good. i'm voting for bo anyway.

i'm waiting for it to be nine so i call my dr's office and get directions for my appointment this afternoon. there is no way i can reschedule, i've been waiting months to get in to see this chick as it is, so squickiness be damned. but, i have about three sets of conflicting directions so i kind of need to find out which office i'm going to.

have you guys checked out all of my daily reads over there? *points right* you totally should cause i read some awesome folks. besides the peeps i've been friends with since before dland, (was there life before dland?) fallon, juggy, and super suz, who of course all rock and are funny as hell, then there are my virgina and dc area peeps,
cookie and her sister Bdo, apparently they just have really great humor genes cause they are both funny as hell
chickpea from NoVa who just rocks my socks like no other,
sam who is also from NoVa, he's a talented writer and he's always there with a sweet comment,
colleen who like me is in CeVA, she's a college student and she's planning her wedding,
wicked sezzy the uber-republican monkey-loving northener who transplanted to dc,
switchcraft who left us here on the "right" coast to move to the left,
travis whom i've had the pleasure to know a few times in real life and he's just funny as hell,
then there's mindlesspop whom i first fell in love with thanks to her relentless hatred of all things brittany,
imaphatpig who is more obsessed with purses than me,
rete - we're like obsessive compulsive twins,
beth who has to go to work everyday and face her MIL *shudders* and can still retain a sense of humor, and her sanity,
my daily wtf, just a warning, unless you enjoy squirting liquid out of your nostrils, i'd hold off on the drinking of any beverages until after you read her.

and every-friggin-body else that i read everyday. i'm tired of linking now so i'm done lol, and it's finally nine oh three so i can call the doc's office, get some directions and take my squicky self back to bed. at least i've spared you the squicky details of how many times i had to interrupt this entry to hightail it to bow before the porcelein goddess. oops, that was kind of a detail wasn't it? so sorry.


8:24 am - 15 Mar 2005


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