usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


pretty decent for a monday

while i didn't get everything on my to-do list for today, i did accomplish about half of it, plus i threw some stuff in that i hadn't planned to do, like grocery shopping and cooking dinner. plus the realtor showed up with a family to show the house while i was in the midst of chain smoking and singing along to metallica. they didn't stay long.

i applied to get a loan from my 401k tonight. since i've only been contributing for a year i didn't have very much in there to borrow, but i took out $600 and that will go a long way to paying off the little piddly-shit bills that i owe. like jeff's membership to columbia house that was of course in my name, and the three or four magazine subscriptions that he had, in my name, that he never paid for. what a bastard. and i am such a loser for letting him get away with that crap. and now he has nothing, no job, no home, no money, so it isn't like i could even take him to court to get money from him if i had to balls guts to do it.

but i made payment arrangements with 2 people today and so that's a plus. one of which is an xray bill that i didn't even know that i had for back in 2003 when i had bronchitus. it's only 43 bucks so i'm paying it friday when i get paid and it'll be one thing off the ol' credit report. and then one of my credit card companies offered me a settlement and chopped my amount owed by more than half. yay for nice creditors. of course, this is a credit card that the ex-husband had when i was married if that tells you how long i've owed this money. i don't even own anything that was purchased on this card. it was all tools and weedeaters and a lawnmower and god knows what else.

i keep forgetting to file my taxes. i think i am going to efile right now before i go to bed. i'm getting a relatively decent refund and add that to the 401k loan i'm getting, i'll be doing much better in the whole climbing out of the pit'o'debt. go me. i'm right friggin proud of myself. it's taken me how many years to get here? lol

oh, and for the record, i had exactly ZERO mt dew today. go me. woohoo. i didn't drink nearly as much water as i should have but i did down a little over a liter so that's not bad. of course, i forgot to eat until 5 this evening. that wasn't so great. i'll try to remember to do that earlier tomorrow.

i looked up the directions to my dr appointment tomorrow but they suck big donkey toes so i will have to call the office in the morning and see if the receptionist can give better ones.

well, it's quarter after now, if i'm going to attempt to efile tonight i guess i should get a move on.


10:01 pm - 14 Mar 2005


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