usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


more jars and some snow and stuff

yay me. another item was bid on. good times. that's six of my 46 items so far. i mean, i know that's not like a lot or anything but i wasn't really expecting anyone to buy my grandma's fifty year old vibrator. yet, someone did. *shrugs* and people think i'm weird for collecting cookie jars.

speaking of cookie jars, no comments at all on my cookie jar pics? i will be honest and say that i am slightly disappointed. but i'll get over it.

in other cookie jar news, i received two of my miniature jars that i got on ebay today. both are hallmark ornaments, one is from 1996 and one is from 2004. both are porcelin and so freaking cute. i can't wait to get my shelf painted so i can put them up. for now i will just set them on my bookcase. i still have three others that i am waiting on to arrive. actually, that would be five others. one of the auctions that i won was for three minis in one lot. can't wait.

so, it has been snowing most of the day. it sleeted a lot earlier and then it started snowing thost big fat wet snowflakes. the ones that you need to make a perfect snowball or snowman. we've only got about an inch and it's tapering off. i'd like to get about a foot or so but it seems that we just aren't destined for a decent snowfall this year. but then we weren't supposed to get any at all. we were supposed to get sleet all day so i'm happy with what we got.

and, i got to drive home with my four wheel drive on.

for some reason this feels like it has been the longest week ever in the history of the world. i don't know why. and i'm very tired now. it was a long boring and slow day at work and that always makes me feel way more tired than normal. plus, i didn't sleep well again last night. you're shocked i know. i'm thinking i may lay down for an hour or so. but i know that if i do i'll sleep like shit again tonight. *shrugs* can't win for losing.

tomorrow is payday. yay. and i'm off saturday but i start my new closing schedule on sunday. actually, i close sunday and monday and then tuesday i have a class at another store to go to and then i have to open on wednesday because they didn't have anyone else to schedule to do it. basically, my schedule is screwed and who knows when it will be fixed. i figure as long as i'm actually on the schedule, that's a good thing and the rest will sort itself out eventually.

i haven't read at all this week. i tried to start reading mirror, mirror, but i couldn't concentrate enough to get through the first couple of paragraphs. i kept reading the same sentence over again and then i couldn't recall what i had read. i hate it when that happens.

i totally forgot that yesterday was groundhog's day. i remember being in elementary school, we actually thought that was like a real holiday. now, in my old age and working retail and stuff, even "real" holidays are just days to me for the most part. *shrugs*

so, yeah, i'm going to stare at my auctions some more. i still have a good dozen or so items to list, not to even mention the tons of stuff that is still at the house to be photographed and cataloged, so maybe i'll post a few new items. we'll see. i probably should go over to the house and get some more work done but i'm not feeling like it. if my uncle hadn't taken the cable connectors to his house i'd go over there and just hang out and watch tv. alas, there is no tv watching for me. i was watching while you were out when my parents got home and the first thing the old man did was change the channel. and they wonder why i stay back here in my room.

anyway, toodles

5:51 pm - 03 Feb 2005


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