usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


anybody wanna help me paint my furniture?

it is one'o'six in the afternoon and i have been awake for exactly one hour. you people must think i am horribly lazy to sleep all day. would it change your minds to know that i didn't go to sleep until close to six this morning? no? okay then.

so, will gave daddy his christmas present yesterday since he, will not daddy, will be in iraq for christmas. he bought him a gun. nifty. personally i'm hoping for the sims2 myself. actually it was a really nice gun. i don't remember the size and calibar and such so don't ask. today they went to do some father and son bonding at the shooting range.

things remain the same at the hospital. i am not speaking to my dad about anything concerning that subject. i just can't. he honestly thinks that she is going to get well, climb out of that bed and go on about her life as if nothing ever happened. and i can't stand the fact that i am going to have to see his reaction when that doesn't happen.

in other news, um, well, i have no other news. i finally got started on the twelth anita blake book, incubus dreams, last night. actually, i read the first four pages and then got sidetracked by cleaning my room.

in the process of moving all of my crap from dinwiddie up here on my vacation, i just dumped most of it in the middle of the living room floor. this is our "formal" living room, we only use it on holidays and special occasions so it's not like we've been walking around all this crap for a month.

anyway, so when things went bad at the hospital i had to get the living room cleaned up pronto in preperation for the family that started to gather here since we are closest to the hospital. so much of it got shoved into my bedroom until i had time to get it all put away. so i've been walking over boxes of books and cookie jars for the better part of a week and i finally got started on putting it all away last night. hence the staying awake all friggin night long.

of course, i got started, i didn't finish. hopefully i'll be able to work through the rest of it today. i'm well over halfway done so i think i'll put in a movie, maybe it's finally time to break out a christmas story, and finish it all up.

my blood pressure is still up way too high. after i finish my antibiotics off, if it's still running this high i will go back to the doctor and have them look into it. it's strange that six months ago my bp was fine when i had my physical and now it's suddenly through the roof and in stroke range. strange and scary to tell the truth. the other day when it was running so high, 200/150 and such, i was truly scared that i was going to fall out or something.

so, i have used all of my vacation and personal time that i had left for this year so i'm back to work tomorrow which i am looking forward to. i got everything done for the family that i could do, not to mention that we are now pretty much completely ready for christmas, well, with the exception of shopping, so i do feel like i got a lot accomplished last week. i have inventory on wednesday so i'm looking forward to getting back to work and getting ready for the count and such.

as much as i enjoyed not going to work every day, i realized exactly how much i do enjoy my job as well because i missed it a great deal. sad to say i know, but i really did miss it, and the people i work with as well.

so, i'm off to finish up the laundry. i had to quit after just two loads yesterday so that we could put the turkey in the roaster, which sits on the washing machine while it's in use because we don't have the counter space for it anywhere else. so, the turkey is done (yum, turkey) and the washer is now freed up so it's time to get the clothes done and put away and in the meantime i need to find a home for all of this other crap that i seem to own.

you know it sucked when jeff and i moved into our first apartment because he had everything from his townhouse and i had everything from my two story house and we had to figure out how to cram it into a two bedroom apartment. now, it's like i'm trying to cram a two bedroom apartment into one room. but it's nice to have my things around me again. my pictures on the wall, my books on the shelf. it finally kind of makes it feel like home.


1:06 pm - 21 Nov 2004


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