usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


happy birthday sierra faye - 10/25/97

so, this morning i'm all snuggled deep under the covers with my two warm and snuggly puppies when my mom sticks her head in my door.

mama: "what time do you have to be at work?"

me mumbling: "seven-thirty."

mama: "well, then you should get up because it's seven-forty-five."

shit! i jumped out of bed so fast i dumped both of the poor puppies in the floor.

so, yeah, first day back from the vacation that wasn't and i was an hour and five minutes late. good times.

i really suck sometimes ya know?

so, more about the vacation that wasn't...

so, yeah, the uncles are gross packrats and they tend to be, well, less than neat. and they tend to use and/or take whatever they want whether it belongs to them or not. take my washing machine and dryer for instance. i told them under no circumstances were they to hook up my washer and dryer and use them. however, they must have misheard me because within two days of me saying that, they had them both hooked up and running.

now my dryer is mia at uncle 1's new wife's house and my washer is mysteriously not working. the washer and dryer that i have owned since 1998 but used for less than twelve months total. blah. uncle 1 wants to buy the dryer from me but he offered fifty bucks. um, no. fifty bucks? are you joking. try a hundred and i'll write the washer off as a loss.

so i donated over four hundred books to goodwill last week. yes, you read that right, over 400. the dude at goodwill was like, where'd you get all these books? and i was like, they're mine. so he said, have you actually read them all? um, yeah. some of them more than once. so then he was like, is this every book you've ever read in your entire life? not even close dude, not even close.

so he kind of stood there in confusion while i unloaded my car by myself. usually he helps but i think he just couldn't get over the fact that anyone other than a library or a bookstore can have that many books. though i'm pretty sure he hasn't seen the inside of a library or a bookstore in many many years, if ever.

so, all of my cookie jars, well, most of my cookie jars, were down in the house as well. so i got all of them moved too. i am missing a few, i definitely need to get in touch with uncle 2 to see what else his klepto wife decided she wanted to take and work out a time to meet him at jeff's mom's house to get them back. not to mention the entire living room set that belonged to me that he took. which he can totally have because it was the set i had when i was married and i hated it because judah picked it out and, well, let's be honest, the man had no taste whatsoever when it came to home furnishings. or basically anything else for that matter but that's a whole nother entry.

so, yeah, my cookie jars. for those of you who didn't know, i collect cookie jars. an unusual collection i know but fun. and i like to be different ya know? actually, a lot of people collect cookie jars but i'm one of the youngest that i know of throughout the country. and i started when i was seventeen. now, judah did have pretty good taste when it came to buying jars. i'll give him that. he probably bought me a good third of my collection while we were together. he loved to stop at yard sales or antique shops and bring me home a jar as a surprise.

anyway, i plan to post some pictures of some of my collection in the near future so you can all see what a really big dork i am. :P

so, my dad and i had to go down to dinwiddie yesterday evening and pick up my entertainment center and bring it home. it's huge so i couldn't get it myself. it is one of the only pieces of furniture that i wanted to keep. daddy built it for me eighteen years ago when i was ten. i got a television for christmas that year and i needed major storage for books so he built this bookshelf/entertainment center that is like almost six feet tall and five feet wide and it has a space to hold the tv and then a bunch of shelves for my books.

anyway, so he hauled it out of the truck today and washed it up for me and when i got home this evening we brought it into the house. so i spent most of the evening getting my books put up, hooking up my tv and dvd player and moving my computer all around so that i have more space and am better organized. not that i'll stay organized for long but it's the thought that counts. lol

yeah, so now i am watching harry potter and the sorceror's stone, and i think i spelled that wrong but i'm not going to look at the correct spelling at the moment because i don't feel like it. i am very tired and i want to go to bed but i have to fold some clothes before i can because i currently have a pile about two feet high in the middle of the bed. mostly towels that my mom washed and decided i should fold and put away because she couldn't be bothered. that is also another entry. blah.

so, yeah, i guess that's about it for now. nanowrimo starts in six days and i haven't done my outline yet. i have my basic idea but i seem to be putting off actually putting anything down on paper. i'm better under pressure.

i love watching this movie. i know almost every single line, word for word. "to not pay attention." i love alan rickman. "our new celebrity."

"you don't know, well, let's try again."

sorry. i love this movie. "clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, mr. potter?"

okay, i'm off to fold some clothes and climb in bed with my book. i'm still on burnt offerings, the seventh anita blake book, but i didn't read at all while i was on vacation. i was disgusted with myself. i should have been able to read a good four or five books at least but i was just too busy during the day and too tired at night. oh well. incubus dreams is still waiting patiently for me in my car and i'll get to it when i get to it.

oh, that reminds me. i had like five books that i checked out from the library back in 2001 when jeff and i lived in our apartment. but when we got evicted and had to move we just pretty much threw everything into boxes and hauled it down to dinwiddie and i didn't even think about my library books. so needless to say they got packed up too. so i owed the library like close to three hundred dollars in book replacement fees and late fees and such. ouch. so i found all of the books last week when i was down there so i turned them all in. after hours in the book drop. lol so now i just owe like thirty bucks in late fees. woohoo! that rocks. i normally do not have late books when i go to the library, that was definitly an abnormal situation. but now all i have to do is get my new smaller fine paid and i can start using my own library card again istead of having to borrow mama's and listen to her constant nagging. yay.

okay, i'm really going now. i have to close tomorrow night which is pretty cool because wednesday is inventory so i can get most of my counting done tomorrow night and have less to do in the morning.

oh yeah, have you tried those magic erasers by mr clean? those friggin things rock. you have to try them. mama and i were wandering around the house randomly cleaning stuff yesterday and calling the other one over to see so we could ooooh and aaaaah at it. so basically we cleaned like half of everything in the house and then we would move onto something else and clean half of it. lol so yeah, i got jermaine to requisiton me some for work today so that i can clean my tables and chairs at work and they are working like a charm. they are oh so nifty.

so, now, i'm really going. promise.


12:04 am - 26 Oct 2004


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