usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


woohoo! little e is number 1...again

so i have actually been productive today. yay for me. i cleaned the utility room, throwing away a bunch of junk that my mom would have wanted to keep if she had been here. i always seem to go on these cleaning binges when she is at work.

i cleaned the kitchen and the den and swept and vacuumed and dusted and reworked the slip cover on the couch and yes, i washed the washer and dryer and mopped the floor and moved the freezer and so on and so forth. just because. well, not just because actually. more like, just because i am ocd and i can't stand all the clutter and mess and crap that she tends to pack away and then we are forced to live on top of.

so, yeah, i worked my ass off. i sweated and i sneezed. and i broke out in hives on my arms. i don't think i've ever mentioned before but i am allergic to dust. so, yeah, i broke out pretty bad. but i washed my arms good in cold water to ease the itching and took a benadryl and then i started the laundry.

of course i didn't start most of this until around two or three this afternoon, because i spent half of the day asleep and then i watched got online and played some mahjong for a while before sitting down and watching the begining of the race with daddy.

so now i'm on my third load of laundry and i'm taking a break from folding clothes, and putting them away. (i can hardly believe it myself) i'm not going to do the going crazy dusting routine in here right now because the dust in the air will kill me in my sleep if i do, i'm saving that for thursday. getting the clean laundry put away and the dirty laundry washed and off the floor makes for an instant makeover in here. one of these days i really am going to buy a laundry basket.

i think i am going to watch a movie while i clean. but i can't decide what i want to watch. maybe i'll just close my eyes and pick or something.

so i'm off to be more productive. i'm feeling really good today, even though i'm tired it's a good tired because i've been up and moving around and getting stuff done and not vegging out in front of the computer screen all day. i've also had over a gallon of water today and i'm nowhere near finished drinking for the night. i could probably get things done a bit faster if i didn't have to stop every five minutes to pee. you needed to know that didn't you?

okay, so i'm a little obsessed with mt st. helens right now. i've been looking at pictures of her for the past few days now and i must say that i am excited. granted i don't want total destruction and devastation. and i certainly don't want anyone to be injured or killed. but, i just can't help but feel exhilerated and excited when i see the mountain with plumes of ash and steam billowing up from it. it's so powerful and so mysterious and so beautiful. so bear with me and look at some pictures.

As scientists warned that an eruption of Mount St. Helens appeared imminent Sunday, eager tourists camped out along park roads, hoping to catch a glimpse of the seething volcano without being overcome by ash and smoke.

Scientists said they do not expect anything close to the devastation of the May 18, 1980 explosion, which killed 57 people and coated much of the Northwest with ash.

``Of course the volcano reserves the right to change its mind,'' said monument scientist Peter Frenzen with the U.S. Forest Service, which operates the park.

mt st. helens may 1980

mt st. helens oct 1, 2004

a car buried under ash after the may 20, 1980 eruption

an eruption of mt st. helens in july 1980

mt st. helens is part of what is known as the ring of fire, a chain of mountains that circles the pacific ocean. oct 17, 1980

helen on tv, sept 27, 2004

sept 28, 2004 (kinda pretty isn't it?)

oct 3, 2004

mt st. helens at pre-dawn, oct 3, 2004

so, yeah, toodles

9:15 pm - 03 Oct 2004


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