usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


my turn

happy halloween =)

okay, so according to my evil twin, ms dee dee, it's my turn to update my diary. so here we go. but actually my evil twin-ness, i agree with Sel, it's Steve's turn too. lol *hint hint stevie boy*

as usual i don't have anything earth shattering to say. i'm not rilly in the mood to get into the whole wedding thing. let's just say it didn't suck too bad and i didn't look like the broad side of a barn in my dress.

*shrugs* moving on...

it was jeff's day off today so i worked the 12 hour shift. not too bad. it went by pretty quickly, i was busy all day long. people actually decided to come pay their bills today. well, some people anyway. we're having an auction next thursday and right now we have approximately 23 storage rooms up for it. everyone keeps calling and saying that they are going to pay their balances before then but somehow i doubt it. if they don't have the 54 bucks to pay the regular rent when it's due how are they going to come up with the 1000 bucks that they owe after not paying for 6 months? maybe i don't want to know...

i spent like over an hour on the phone with luke this evening. we talked from like 5 to sometime after 6. we were both working all day and we hit a slow time after 5 so we did a bit of over-the-phone training. it turns out that no one showed him how to do all of his morning reports and stuff. all i can say is welcome to u-haul luke. lol

luke's a cool guy. he and jeff have enough in common to drive me nuts and enough not in common to make him interesting. does that make sense?

yesterday was my day off and i spent the entire day working on the apartment. i did laundry and unpacked boxes and repacked boxes and put things away and threw things away and carried stuff up the stairs and carried stuff down the stairs and eventually crashed late last night. but, the apartment no longer looks like a tornado hit a thrift store. it is actually starting to look like an apartment. meanwhile, jeff spent his day off on the computer downloading stuff from morpheus and on the couch in front of the tv. my mother was right, there is no fair division of labor in relationships. *shrugs*

it actually doesn't bother me all that much that he didn't do anything. well, he did do something. he emptied the trash (so what if he didn't put a new trash bag in the can when he was done?) and he ran the dishwasher (so what if he didn't put all of the dirty dishes in first?). if he had tried to come back here and mess with this stuff he would have done it all wrong and i would have been pissed cause he wouldn't have done it the way i want it done. then i would have had to do it all over again anyway.

okay, i'm rambling here aboiut nothing in particular so i think i'll go. talk to ya'll later.

oh, and for the record, i like Gunt's hair the way it is but it's his hair...

*little edit here* sel, glad to hear you are enjoying anita. can i just say the books get better and better as they go. and don't feel weird for having a little crush on phillip cause of the whole phil thing, suz and i both loved phillip too. hell, even jeff liked phillip. well, not as much as me, but you know what i mean. lol

8:38 pm - 31 Oct 2001


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