usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


guess who came to dinner?

well it's tuesday and once again i didn't go to ww. *sigh* now when i go back again i'll have to pay the sign up fee all over again because i've missed 3 weeks in a row. i had planned to go tonight but my mom called and asked if she and my dad could buy a pizza and come over and have dinner with me and jeff so i decided to stay home and clean. since i'm still in the midst of unpacking (god will it ever end?) the living room was a mess of half empty boxes and other micellaneous junk. my dad hadn't been to the apartment since we moved in and i rilly wanted him to be able to come over and see it.

of course they came bearing gifts. lol two big jugs of sunny delight, a 2-liter of coke, some chips and dip, and before they left mama left 20 bucks under a magnet on the fridge. =) she used to do that to my grandmother every time we went to visit her. she always had to hide the money or else grandma wouldn't take it. every time i see her she asks if we need "anything," meaning money and i say no so i guess she figured it was the only way to get me to take it from her. thanks mama, i love you.

anyway, so jeff and i are trying to populate our entire marketing company with our friends. several people got fired last week for stealing and various other things so the prez called us this morning and asked if we knew anyone to fill some empty spots so we started calling friends. we already got luke and sarah jobs, i'm trying to get travis the computer support job even though it does pay way less than he's used to and he is way way over qualified. but hey, i figure it's better than making no money at all and even if he just keeps it for a while, he'll have an income while he continues to look for something else. and there is always the posibility of moving up somewhere in the company. we also got jared, a friend of jeff's family to go in for a relief manager position too. if only we knew a homeless couple to take the other open storage place. unfortunately, all of the couples we know have homes. um, didn't mean that the way it sounded. lol

will got to come home this weekend. it was the first time he's been home in almost 2 months. he came home the weekend after the terrorist attack but ever since then he's been working crazy hours. last weekend he had to work 24 hours straight. i guess that's what happens when you are in the only anti-terrorist Marine company in the states. *shrugs* so he came over on saturday night for a little while and hung out with us and watched some of the baseball game. it was so good to get to see him. i miss him so much, but, it's like he's been gone so long now that it's almost weird when he is home for any extended length of time cause i'm just used to him being gone. *shrugs*

jeff bought me shrek on dvd this weekend. *smootches* thank you thank you thank you. i watched it twice today while i cleaned the apartment. he didn't enjoy it nearly as much as deedee and i did when we went to see it but he liked it.

jeff also bought me this computer game called alice that i have been wanting for over a year now. last year when i first saw it, it was like almost 60 buck so needless to say i skipped on making that purchase. but when we went to wal-mart sunday they had it for 20 so he got it. but, it sucks. it loads so slow and the movements are all jerky. the character moves slow too. it's like when your character is the only one on the screen, just running and stuff it moves alright, but as soon as you get attacked and there are more characters on, you slow down so much that it is practically impossible to beat them. *shrugs* i don't know if the game just rilly sucks that bad or if maybe it's partly the computer. jeff says maybe when we get a new one it'll work better. who knows, our system meets all of the requirements that are listed. major disappointment though.

well, i have chocolate pudding in the fridge and it is calling my name something fierce so i think i'll head out for now. love y'all. btw, it's fat free pudding suz. aren'tcha proud of me? lol

9:16 pm - 06 Nov 2001


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