usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


it's a wonderful life...

ah, long time no entry. our free trial of aol ended and we can't afford to actually sign up for it so we are borrowing one of jeff's mom's username thingys.

lots of stuff going on, most of it not so great. not horrible either i guess.

daddy still isn't ready for his transplant. they did another bone marrow biopsy last week to get a look at all of his blood cell counts and such and everything is still too icky to risk the surgery. so now they want to try an experimental drug in addition to his current chemo to see if that helps. i've read about this drug and most of what i've read has been good. all i can do is keep my fingers crossed and pray. he's going to die. that's a given. the only variable is how much more time they can give him.

we're moving. again. six miles up the road. to move in with jeff's parents. yay. in case you couldn't tell, that's a sarcastic yay. i love jeff's folks, don't particularly want to live with them. why were moving is a long story, to narrow it down a bit, two of jeff's uncles are going to stay here in the house cause jeff's mom is sick of them in her house. at least her house has heat.

still no job. no calls for interviews, no "thanks we got your resume and we think you suck and don't want to hire you." no nothing. so i've resorted to cleaning houses. last week i cleaned diana's, which i will now be cleaning for free as i'm going to be living there, tomorrow i'm cleaning tara's, though i think that may actually be a more-than-one-day job. and i will probably be branching out to other family and friends in the area soon. yay, i'm a maid.

why the hell did i drop out of college?

so i'm addicted to soap operas and reality shows. i watch joe millionaire, american idol and meet my folks. i look forward to every day based on what's on tv at night. want to see a breakdown of my pathetic life?

monday: fear factor, third watch, and crossing jordan.
wednesday: west wing and law and order.
friday: more law and order with the chick who played cynthia on er and the dude from oz.
sunday: law and order with vincent d'nafrio (i think i spelled his last name wrong but who cares, he's such a cutie)

watched the super bowl on sunday, yay tampa bay. didn't rilly care who won, just love the game in general. i love it when they use the mic on the field so that you can hear the sound of the shoulder pads popping as they hit each other. it's sick i know.

i found out this week that the 5th harry potter book will be out on june 21st. 9 days before my 27th birthday. so now i have something to look forward to. lol

we're selling off some of the animals. last week, we sold t, the first snake we ever owned, a baby ball python. it was sad but we used the money to buy a load of firewood so i guess it's all good in the end. we also sold one of our female boa constrictors and one of our savannah monitors, raz. the more we get rid before we move in with jeff's folks the better according to his dad who is deathly afraid of snakes.

oh, one other thing. i have one new member in the cheap pop whores diary ring but i just accidentally closed my email and i forget the name so i'll add it another day.

that's all i have to say about my exciting life for today. talk to you all soon.

9:44 pm - 28 Jan 2003


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