usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


the long version

okay, finally the time has come for the actual full update on my life since my dad had to go to the hospital this morning for dialisys (i know it's spelled wrong) i can get on the computer for more than five minutes without someone coming in and reading over my shoulder. omg, i have to move before i kill myself.

okay, so jeff and i moved on like a sunday, the 22nd i think. so on that monday, the 23rd, i was off but he had to work. so we had planned to go out to his mom's house and pick up the furry mammals and take them to my parent's house when he got off of work. so i went and picked him up and we decided that we were both tired and having sinus issues so we just went to get something to eat and i took him home and dropped him off.

he hugged me and kissed me and told me he loved me and all the usual crap. as i was getting ready to leave he was like be careful getting home, which he always says nowadays. and then he was like and don't forget your tags are still expired. i said i know, i plan to go get them renewed this week after i get paid. so i left.

and i get less than a mile down the fucking road when i get pulled over.

the officer was like do you know why i pulled you over? um, no. well your tags have been expired since march. oh, that. can i see your license and registration please? well, see, the thing is, my license is expired too.

so i hand him everything out the window and he looks at my license and is like, hmmmm, almost two years now.

so then i'm babbling, but i don't usually drive, my boyfriend usually drives me and i was going to take the test this week i just haven't gotten paid yet and the only reason i'm driving right now is because my boyfriend and i had to move and i'm living with my parents and he's staying with a friend and he didn't have a way home from work so i went to pick him up and he drove from there to his house and now i'm jut trying to get home.

so he was like i'll be back and walks off back to his car and i'm freaking out chain smoking and trying not to cry. i mean, come on, it wasn't like i had already had the best fucking week ya know? so then he comes back and asks me if i have someone who can come get me and drive the car for me. because if not, the car will have to be towed. so of course that freaks me even more and of course i can't call my parents so i give him jill's number and tell him to call jeff and then i cross my fingers and pray that jill and jennie aren't both trashed and that one of then is sober enough to drive him to get me.

so then jeff, jill, jennie and jason (makes you sick with all the j's don't it) are all sitting outside on the stoop talking when the phone rings and jeff looks at the caller id and all it says is chesterfield county which he knows is the cops and he's like um, here jill, you answer it. so jill answers it and hands it to jeff and is like, it's for you. so he gets on and an officer asks him if he's mr jefferson nester and he's like um, yeah and so mr nester, do you know a ms cynthia pierce? um, yeah. are you sure you know a ms cynthia pierce? yeah, i know her, she just left here. at this point he's starting to freak a little himself. he's like is everything okay, what's happened? and the officer is like please hold. so he looks at the other three and is like, i need someone's keys right now. he thought i had been in an accident. he was freaking, which is actually kind of sweet. so finally the officer comes back on and is like mr nester, we have ms pierce on a traffic stop and she needs someone to come get her and drive her home. big sigh of releif for him, tell her i'll be there in like 5 minutes. luckily, no one had been drinking so jennie, who was like, poor cindy, her life really sucks, drove him to get me and then followed him to my house and took him back home.

so i got a ticket for having expired tags which gave me a courst date in august and then i got a ticket for driving without a valid drivers license which gave me a court date for the following monday, my birthday. yay.

so i got paid thursday night, i woke up friday morning and headed to dmv where i renewed my tags and passed both the computer and the on-the-road driving tests. but not without sweating bullets the entire time let me tell you.

so monday, i wake up, happy birthday to me and get ready to go to court where i discover that driving without a license is a misdemeanor which carries as it's maximum penalty, jail time. nice. so my court date monday was just my "pre-trial" where i had to decide what i was going to do about a lawyer. sounds nice doesn't it? so i waive my right to a lawyer, get my new court date, which is the same as the day i have to go about my tags of course and now hopefully, everything will be dismissed. but we shall see.

of course, i totally skipped the weekend of my birthday which was an event unto itself and the rest of the week of the fourth. but i have to go put my clothes in the dryer and get ready for work so i will be back soon i hope to finish. see ya.

11:50 am - 09 Jul 2003


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