usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


the first thursday

happy thursday! so i had a total crap day at work, came home with a splitting headache, laid down to read my book, ended up falling asleep for like 5 hours and now i won't sleep worth a poop tonight. ah, but i did have the most wonderful nap. and the headache is gone. and i dreamt we had a going away party at work for this person who drives me totally insane on a daily basis so that was a happy moment. at least until i woke up and realized it was a dream and i am still going to see this person every day forever.

so i got an amazing birthday present from queen fallon. (remember that?) she made me this birthday card graphic and it is gorgeous and wonderful and special and i can't really describe it but it is all about me. well, it's words and pictures that make her think of me. words from diary entries and old message board posts and short stories and such. anyway, it was a great gift and thank you thank you thank you fallon. love ya!

so yeah, it's getting ready to rain. again. the dogs are both storm watching. apparently it is thundering somewhere off in the distance, probably ohio knowing our dogs, and they are not a happy pair of terriors. beavis is terrified of storms. he "fights" them. meaning he runs from door to door in the house barking at the thunder and lightening as if it were masked intruders attempting the break into the house. he runs in circles from room to room with various stuffed animals and other toys clutched in his mouth as means of protecting them from the storm should the rain decide it wants to steal one of his most precious belongings. poor dog is so neurotic.

my brother and i thought that perhaps i just turned out a little bit nuts all on my own you know, with no interference from the parentals. but when the fucking dog turned up insane we knew it really is their fault. lol i'm kidding. really. i am. i promise.

so this weekend is the fourth and i am so friggin glad i am off of work. you would not believe the shopping people are doing this week. it's like they're scared that when they got home from vacation all the stores in virginia will be closed and they'll never get to shop again.

OMG! i totally forgot. wanda, my manager from the gas station, called me today at target to tell me happy birthday and she was like girl you have missed some drama up in here lately. to which i replied, well, i can't say i've really missed it. so anyway, she proceeded to tell she had fired like three people in the past two weeks. one for stealing, one for getting so much money in cash advances that her paycheck was going to be less than what she owed the store, and one for having sex in the backroom while on the clock. nice. so i have this feeling she may offer to give me some part time hours here in the near future. i really need the money and i haven't heard from the few places i've put in applications so i will probably go back a few days a week if she offers. but anyway, i could not believe it when she told me about the sex in the backroom. especially because she told me who it was and the person who was doing it, uh, literally, and more than once i believe, anyway, was such a stict by the book rule person. i was really shocked.

so anyway, that's all for today. i'm off to look up foods that are good sources of potassium, besides bananas because bananas give my mom and me both heartburn. anyway, toodles and such.

8:39 pm - 01 Jul 2004


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