usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


being poor bites

so it looks like i'm moving again. back home, which is the absolute last place i want to go.

jeff and his mom can not get along for anything and he has decided he can't live here anymore. of course, if he doesn't live here, neither can i. only we don't have anywhere to go together. so it looks like maybe he'll go live with joey and amy and i'll move home again.

in the long run i guess it will be a good thing as i can help my parents out with my dad going into the hospital anyday now and all. and we can save more money that way.

what sucks is that i really love my job and it is going to be an hour drive to work there. the money i'm making now is not going to be worth it unless they can give me a raise.

we can't go anywhere until we get the pathfinder fixed so that jeff will have a car so we'll be here for a while longer. we could probably go live with my grandmother and stay together but we wouldn't be able to take the snakes. she refuses to have them in her house. understandable.

why can't we just catch a break? i know that it is totally our fault that we are in the position that we are in but still. this sucks. a lot.

we've been looking for a storage job again because it would be a place to live but i really don't want to do that again. but it would be a roof over our heads and all utilities paid. and i could still wake up next to him every morning. we've lived together for a year and half now. i'm used to it.

just having worked third shift for the past few weeks has sucked because i work all night and he's home and i don't get to see him as much and the bed is all empty when i come home. who would have thought i'd miss his snoring and blanket stealing so much? i don't know if he's missed my snoring though. lol i snore much worse than he does.

anyway, so i don't really know what is going on. he's still looking for a new job big time. he had court yesterday morning for allen's child support and then he cruised richmond and put in applications everywhere he possibly could. hopefully someone will call him soon. i should find a better paying job i know, but i dread leaving a job i know that i love for one i might hate. but money is way more important right now than being happy at work.

i even bought a lottery ticket last night in hopes that i would win even a small portion of the 68 million dollar prize. no one won and i didn't even win five bucks on my numbers. basically it was a waste of a dollar but i will probably buy another one for fridays drawing. what the hell? i'll buy it with some of our loose change and cross my fingers. someone has to win right?

well anyway, i need to get to bed for a bit. i'm off today but it sucks when i'm off after having worked third shift because i have to spend part of the day sleeping or else i'll die by two in the afternoon. i'll sleep for a few hours and then get up and wash some clothes and wait for jeff to get home from work so we can inspect the car for hail damage.

so toodles.

10:37 am - 04 Jun 2003


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