usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


pennsylvania weekend

only one more day until jeff and i head for pennsylvania for the weekend. yay!

only bad thing is that i'm coming home by myself.

so his school is in pennsylvania. harrisburg to be exact. (for those of you who don't remember my previous entry from like a week or more ago, jeff is going to school to be a truck driver)

so anyway, his school is in penn and i'm taking him up there and dropping him off. then he's in school for two weeks before he gets to come home again and have two days off. only problem for then is that we don't know how he's going to get home but we'll worry about that later.

so then he comes home, has two das off, saturday and sunday, and then has to be back monday morning for class. (it's a four hour drive, six or more on a bus)

then he has another two weeks of class then he "graduates" and he gets to come home for another two days and then he's off to gordonsville (somewhere in the mountains of virginia i think) to report to work.

from then on out, for the next year at least, he's on the road six days straight. then he comes home for two days off. sometimes his days off will be in the middle of the week, sometimes the weekend. sometimes he probably won't be able to get here.

if he quits before he's been with the company for an entire year, he owes them $4000 to cover the cost of his school.

we figure, even if he stays with schnieder for a year and then starts looking around for a local driving job, it's a big step to helping up get on our feet. and he has to go over-the-road to make any money. local driving isn't going to pay him anything at all. hell, if local driving paid anything, roger wouldn't stay gone for two weeks at a time and only get home for four days total in a month.

anyway, so i'm happy that he got the job. happy that he has realized that he's going to do something he really doesn't particularly want to do in order to take care of his kids and his bills etc. and i'm proud of him for it too. it's about friggin time. lol

but of course, you know me, i'm also upset. i've seen him almost every single day for the past three years. okay, so it isn't quite three years yet but it will be next month so close a-friggin-nuff.

and now i'll be lucky to see him once in six days. and who knows if i'll even get to see him at all. it'll all depend on my work schedule and stuff.

but that's life and he's doing what has to be done and i'm fine with it. i'm going to cry sunday when i have to come home and leave him up there. but, a lot of that is going to be because i have to drive back through d.c. traffic by myself! kidding. well, i'm not thrilled about that either.

anyway, i'm out of here. have clothes to wash and mammals to feed. toodles.

10:25 am - 04 Sep 2003


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