usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


thursday update

so yesterday i was all pissed off and stressed after having seen judah the bastard for the first time in almost three years. i so could have happily lived out the rest of my life without ever seeing that bastard again.

and of course he was talking tons of bullshit. but the freaky thing was that he knew tons of shit about me and what i've been doing in the past three years. the freakiest thing of all is he has no way of knowing this stuff. i am no longer friends with any of the people he and i were friends with. none of the people i am friends with even know him and the one friend i have that does know him is his ex-girlfriend and she hates him more than i do so i know she didn't tell him any of this stuff.

he alluded to the night my car was broken into a few years back. he said, i didn't have anything to do with anything that happened to your car in colonial heights. how the hell would he even know something happened to my car in colonial heights? as a matter of fact, amy didn't even know about my car because she and i weren't really speaking at the time. i told the cop that night that i had heard his truck in the parking lot shortly before kelly and i went out and found the car with the window broken and my purse gone. of course the cop said you can't identify a car by the sound of it's exhaust. bullshit. i heard that exhaust system daily for almost two years. i knew it was him. bastard.

jeff suggested a restraining order but i won't be able to get one and they never work anyway. it is just kind of scary the way he knows things about me like he follows me or something. it creeps me out big time. it creeps me out now because he knows i'm back living here and he lives just a couple of miles away and i don't like him knowing that i'm here and it just gives me the creeps.

anyway, so i got a raise yesterday at work. i don't know if i ever mentioned but i have been transferred to a store closer to where i live. i was drivnig almost 50 miles one way to get to my original store so they transferred me to the prince george store which is like 12 or 15 miles from my house. what i'll save in gas money is almost like getting a raise in itself. but the hire rate at this store is higher than the hire rate at my old store so new hires coming in off the street would be making more money than me so wanda, my new manager, gave me a raise. plus my 90 days will be hitting soon and then i'll have insurance and everything.

woohoo! i'm on my way back to being a normal human being again. next i just need to get a bank account.

so my dad's bone marrow transplant is tomorrow. he had chemo tuesday and wenesday and today he rested i guess because even the little amount of chemo that they've given him has had horrible effects on him.

mama said last night he should be home from the hospital in about 4 to 6 weeks. then she'll just have to take him back every day for his treatments. but there is no way he can stand to physically be in the hospital 24 hours a day, every day for 6 months. he'd kill someone. or himself. so they are going to let him "commute."

well, i'm off to do some laundry. running out of uniforms to wear to work. toodles.

5:56 pm - 17 Jul 2003


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