usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i confess, i love it

so day two of my new job is over and done with and i love it!

i'm tired and my legs and back are a bit sore. but i'm not as sore as i was yesterday. i just have to get used to standing for 8 hours straight again. haven't done that in a very long time.

got tons of compliments today too, btw. first, julia, the lady who hired me, came to me this morning and said that she was hearing nothing but great things about me, from the other manager, the other people i worked with yesterday, the managers husband, and several regular customers.

talk about a nice stroke to the old ego.

then, i sat down after lunch to fill out my employment paperwork and the manager came and sat with me and we talked for a bit. she told me that she thought i was doing a great job and that she was impressed with me and that she was rilly glad that julia had hired me.

then she dropped a nice little bomb shell on me.

when i filled out my application i put down that i would like 8 bucks an hour. i figured i wouldn't get it but it wouldn't hurt to ask. since i asked for 8, dottie, the manager, told julia that she'd give me 6.50, which is more than any of the other cashiers except for one. so today, after i finished my paperwork, dottie was still telling my how great i was (i could really get used to this let me tell you) and she said, i may be able to do better for you.

i kind of looked at her for a second trying to figure out what she meant. and then she said, you just have to promise me that you will NEVER lay your paystub down where someone might see it and if anyone asks, you make 6 bucks.

of course, then it hit me that she is going to pay me more than she originally said she was. i talked to julia later and she said that dottie is going to try to get me my 8 bucks that i asked for on my application and still give me a quarter raise after 90 days.

after dottie made me promise not to ever tell anyone how much i made she was like, i want to do better for you because i like you a lot and i rilly rilly want you to stay here.

woohoo! i'm loved. lol

rilly now, on the serious side, apart from dottie and julia telling me that i'm the best thing since sliced bread, i rilly do like my job. which is so great because i haven't had a job that i rilly liked since heilig-meyers. god knows i hated the bank, and i do mean HATED.

and i don't just love it because i'm out of the house and away from my mother-in-law all day either. lol don't get me wrong though, interacting with people that aren't in jeff's immediate family is wonderful. lol

i was rilly nervous yesterday after i got off because i was afraid that i would forget everything i learned yesterday at work by this morning. but i didn't and i did most everything without very much help at all.

you're probably thinking, okay, you work at a gas station, how hard could it be?

and my reply would be, we are a truck stop, not just a gas station. so there is a lot of paperwork involved with truckers getting diesel and such. it's not rilly hard as much as it is just a whole lot thrown at you all at once. but it's fun.

we have a ton of regular customers who are in and out of there all the time. half of them came in this morning calling my by name and asking how my first day had gone. that's kind of nice. i had one jerk all day yesterday and one today. if i can average one a day that won't be too bad. yesterday i had another customer tell the jerk to shut up and leave me alone because i was my first day and i didn't need a bastard like him bothering me. lol

so, in case you couldn't tell, i like my job.

last night i was so tired that i actually slept through the entire night without waking up until my alarm went off this morning. it was so nice. i haven't slept an entire night through in probably 6 months. i have had serious sleep/insomnia issues. however, it seems that being tired and sore has cured me.

speaking of which, i think i am going to go downstairs and get my employee handbook and bring it back upstairs and crawl in bed and read it and go to bed. yes, i am going to be early. i don't believe it either.


7:53 pm - 06 May 2003


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