usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


the chamber of secrets

well, now that i have had a bit more interaction with the ferret formerly known as smokey i've come to a couple of conclusions. one, i don't like the name smokey so i need to come up with a new one. any suggestions? he's kind of dark brown with a little grey cause he's sorta old for a ferret and he has the raccoon mask thing going on. if you think of anything sign my guestbook and let me know.

secondly, i am going to have to get him a one story cage. jeff said that the previous owners of he-who-is-not-yet-properly-named said that he somehow injured his hind legs but that he walked okay sometimes. well, i have yet to see him walk okay. he got a bath last night when we got him home to suzanne's and he was having serious issues trying to walk in the tub but i just chalked it up to being in the tub. so just a bit ago i cleaned out his two-story cage and moved him and sugar from sugar's piece of crap three-story cage into it. i let him walk around on the kitchen floor for a few mintues. occasionally he would try to stand on his hind legs only to promptly fall over to one side. after a few tries he just gave it up and pulled himself along by his front paws.

i thought perhaps the kitchen floor was too slick for him so i moved him into the living room onto the area rug by the front door hoping that this would help him but it didn't. the same thing happened. so he needs a one-story cage so that his food, water, bed, and litter pan are all in the same area. he struggles so much trying to go up and down the ramps it just breaks my heart.

he's the sweetest thing though. i took him out and held him for a little while, (talk about making sugar jealous) and he just laid back in my arms and crossed his little front paws over his chest. it was so cute. he and sugar seem to be getting along well too. sugar wants to play though and the ferret formerly known as smokey can't so that causes a few issues. he was chattering away at sugar a while ago, fussing at him for whatever. lol

i'm also figuring that his former owners didn't take him to the vet since their explanation of things seems to be, he somehow injured his hind legs. jeff said they didn't give much information other than that. so i'm pretty sure he needs to go. it seems like he may have somehow injured his spine or something. maybe he was dropped or stepped on, i don't know. the only thing is that ferret x-rays are not cheap. oh well, he needs to go. perhaps after jeff gets paid. i will forego my glasses for yet another week and take my new baby to the doctor. you just have to prioratize.

jeff said that the previous owners had had him for five years and he seemed relatively well taken care of but i think not taking your pet to the vet when his back legs stop working is not in the definition of taking care of your animal. also, you can feel his ribs right through his coat which leads me to belive that they didn't take quite as good care of him as jeff and lang seem to think. also his coat is not very well taken care of either. i don't think he was bathed often or anything like that. his ears are icky, they rilly need to be cleaned out.

so anyway, joey just called and amy is out of the hospital. they have been released he said. lol so she wants to go down and work on the house with me tomorrow except that my check is two days late and i don't have enough gas to get down to the house tomorrow. damn the man as joey would say. oh, we have water by the way. the pump was fixed today and jeff turned the valve on when we down today and poof we have water. yay. so now jerry just needs to get over there and clean that nasty refridgerator out and we can move in. of course the place is still a total mess. his crap is everywhere but once we are in there we can get a buttload more work done than we can having to travel an hour each way everyday.

so, i shall go. i'm hungry and i think i am going to "borrow" a can of dee-dee's tuna and have a couple of sandwiches.

don't forget to give me name suggestions for the-ferret-who-has-not-yet-been-named. (i feel all harry potter-ish all of a sudden lol)


5:50 pm - 17 Oct 2002


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