usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


last night

so this will be my final entry of 2002. hopefully the new year will be better than this one has been.

christmas was okay. i got the rice cooker i had been wanting from my parents, my brother gave me 3 dvd's, E.T., Office Space, and another one i don't remember at the moment (he gave jeff Coyote Ugly which i love). let's see i also got a gorgeous outfit from jeff's folks, and enough money from his grandma, his aunt, and his uncle to buy a load of firewood cause we were slam out.

tara had a friend of hers make me a handmade ceramic cookie jar which rocks because it's a one-a-kind.

i still haven't seen suz yet since we moved out here and i miss you! sorry i haven't been able to get up there. i know i need to get that stuff off your porch.

still no job. unemployment ran out. i have 8 days until my stuff in storage gets auctioned. i need 200 bucks to get it out but we don't have it. i asked my brother if he could loan it to me but he doesn't have it either, christmas tapped him out.

i'd ask jeff's parents to loan it to us but our phone was disconnected friday and after i walked 6 miles to diana's house she paid it for me so it could get turned back on. that alone was 200 bucks. can't go asking for 200 more. tara can't afford it either. the other night we went over to diana's to see her for her birthday (and to see if we could score a free meal) and tara ended up sending us home with 2 bags of miscellanous groceries and raul (her hubbie) slipped jeff 20 bucks to put gas in the car.

it's not like i can really bitch about this. it is totally my fault that i am in this position. it just really sucks that i'm going to lose my grandma's furniture and my cookie jars.

maybe i won't though, i still have one more source i can try. i am going to call my grandma later this evening and see if perhaps she can loan it to me. we'll see.

jeff has just come to the realization that he needs to get a new job as well. he origianally started working at the pet store as a second job in addition to his working at the newspaper, for some extra income and because the discount would help us feed our animals as well. then he decided to quit the paper and has been working part time ever since. most weeks he does work around 30 hours or so, but then there are weeks when he gets 18 hours. and even if he works 30 hours, he still only gets like 6 bucks an hour.

ah well, we got ourselves into this mess and now we have to deal with the consequences of it. *shrugs* not much else we can do.

i just finished sending my resume to the local paper down here, The Dinwiddie Monitor. i'm hoping that they may have a position open like filing clerk or receptionist or something.

there is a dog snoring on my couch. i can't get her off of the couch. everytime i get her off the couch she waits until i sit back down and jumps back up there. so the hell with it, she's laying on jeff's half of the couch anyway. she's a little hunting dog who has been lost by her owner like 3 times in the past week and she keeps ending up on our porch. friday when allen and i walked 6 miles to diana's house, this little dog followed us the whole way there. i can't get in touch with her owner but i know he'll turn up here looking for her eventually. until then i'm enjoying her company. christ i am a lonely person. lol

in a weird way i am enjoying the solitude of being home by myself. but i am so depressed on top of it that the enjoyment comes and goes. i force myself to get up every morning. sometimes i don't get up until late and sometimes when i get up early i lay back down for a while later, but at least i get out of bed every day. i consider that a small victory.

well, i'm going to clean out the fridge. there's something funky in there and i haven't been able to find it so i'm gonna take everything out, inspect it all, and then scrub the fridge and put everything back. well, not everything. obviously, if i come across the funky thing i won't put that back.

anyway, so i'm out of here. everyone be safe. talk to ya next year. toodles.

4:25 pm - 31 Dec 2002


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