usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


cat food, fire & ice & a big black dog

so i'm sitting here are quarter to one in the afternoon, still in my pajams. i just finished flossing my teeth while reading my mail and watching football. (you guys rilly needed to know that interesting fact of personal hygiene right?) i can't get the damn fire to burn to save my life and it's a bit chilly in here.

you know, it's right sad when it's warmer outside than inside the house. and it's only 40 degrees outside. and it's warmer. of course, the living room (aptly named because it's the room we currently live in) is warmer. it's usually between 70 and 75 in here but it's cooling off a bit now since i can't get the damn fire to go!

okay, i'm better now. jimmy kimmel is on tv. maybe i just have sucky taste in men but i think he's such a cutie.

i fed the cats when i got up this morning. their food bowl is on the front porch so it doesn't get covered with snow or rained in or anything. so anyway, i got up and fed the cats. (their names are cat and cat by the way, go away cat and get out of my way cat.) so how jeff and i came to own two cats when we are both totally allergic to them is another story, just know that i fed the damn cats.

so anyway, i got up and put on my socks and shoes and a sweatshirt over my pj's and then threw on my big fluffy robe and headed into the kitchen to grab something for breakfast and i'm heading down the hallway back to the living room where it's warm with my toast and i see this big friggin' black dog slinking up the front steps and i just know he's going to scarf up the freaking cat food so that i'm going to have to feed the stupid cats all over again and i'm almost out of cat food.

so i go look out the storm door and the poor dog freaks when he sees me standing there and takes off running down the steps which are still partly covered with ice, thanks mostly to the fact that the ice on the roof is melting and dripping down onto them, but i digress, again.

so the poor thing slips on the ice and almost busts his poor skinny ass but he saves it and then he turns around and looks at me, like are you gonna come out and throw something at me or what?

so he stands there for a minute and then starts edging back up to the steps all tenative like he's still expecting me to start screaming at him or something. finally he gets like two steps up and just stands there looking at me and then he looks at the cat food and back at me and then back at the cat food and i can see the poor things ribs so i just kind of stand back from the door and he comes the rest of the way up the steps peeking at me from the corners of his eyes like it might be a trick and i'm going to come busting out the door weilding a broom or something but i don't and he ate all the damn cat food in about three bites and now i have to go feed the freaking cats again because i hear them out on the porch meowing.

well, one of them is out there meowing, the other one is in the window here where the screen is ripped and she's playing with joey, our youngest savannah monitor whose cage is in front of the window. she thinks she'd like to eat joey and joey thinks he'd like to eat cat so they chase each other through the window. it's weird.

but then, this whole entry has been a tad weird so i think i'm gonna go. i do after all need to go feed the freaking cats. toodles.

12:42 pm - 08 Dec 2002


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