usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


hi, i work at target

so lots of news going on today. first of all, suz, glad you're okay. (((hugs)))

so, i found out thursday that i got my new job at target. i think i told you that i went to apply for a part-time job and ended up being offered a full-time supervisor spot that pays a bit more than my current job. so they officially offered it to me thursday and i took it. had to go pee in a cup. fun. and tonight is my orientation. i will be training for two weeks at another store up in virginia center commons and then i'll start in my store where i get to interview, hire and train mt own team of peeps to work for me. yay for me!

i am so excited about this job. of course, i am going to continue to work at the gas station for now also. as a matter of fact i am planning to work them both full-time. for a while anyway. i have my insurance and such through the oil company and i don't want to lose it and go without insurance again for three months until i can get it at target. and i really need to money.

everyone is like, how can you work 80 hours a week? easy, i worked more than that when i was married. while judah sat at home and watch ricki lake and days of our lives, i worked two, count 'em TWO, full-time jobs and one part-time job. and i look at it like this, jeff is a friggin truck driver, he's going to be on the road for the next three weeks straight and after that he'll go on for six days at a time. i live with my parents, i have no kids of my own which i need to give full-time care. why shouldn't i work 80 hours a week? what the hell else do i have to do?

besides, it'll help me pay off my bills that much faster. and, working so much won't leave me any time to shop so i won't be tempted to spend my money on stupid shit. and once i get some money tucked away, some bills paid off or down at least, and some insurance through target, then i can go down to part-time at the gas station. and eventually, i'll work one job again. but for right now, for me, it just makes sense to do it this way.

so like i said, i am very much excited about it. i think it's going to be really good. and i'm excited about going back to work at target. i really loved it there before and i really regretted leaving there when i did. i never should have left. but i did and now i get a second chance which is great because a lot of times in retail you don't get a second chance to work for the same company. some places have policies about it and such. but they pulled all of my old evaluations and such from when i worked before and decided that they wanted me back.

it feels so good to be wanted. lol i went so long when i was out of work where companies that i applied with wouldn't even send me a letter saying, you suck we don't want to hire you. i would get no acknowledgement at all and that sucked. it pulled me down you know. so now to have a company really want me makes me feel so good. it's a real boost.

so anyway, everyone keep your fingers crossed for me that things go well.

well, it's almost time for me to head out to orientation so i'm going to jet. bye.

ooh, and, the second best thing, i get a 10% discount! yay!

12:08 pm - 06 Oct 2003


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