usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


monday night update #B

yeah, i know, i just made an entry like thirty minutes ago. so i'm making another one.

of course, because i should be asleep right now because i have to get up in the morning and absolutely cannot be late, i can't sleep.

i've laying there for just over thirty minutes staring at the wall. and then i roll over and stare at the other wall. and then i do it all over again. junebug is seriously fed up with me. she jumped off the bed like 15 minutes ago and curled up in the chair to sleep. of course, then i decided to get back on the computer for a few minutes and i had to shoo her out of the chair for which she was none to grateful. this illicited a deep fierce growl and two or three snaps at my hand.

so my counseler told me when i was dealing with my serious insomnia several months ago when i didn't sleep for several days in a row that i should never lie in bed longer than twenty minutes. if i'm not asleep in twenty minutes, and i'm alone lol, then i'm not ready to sleep. so here i am. i was hoping that making an entry would help make me more tired. i don't think it's working.

so i was thinking of some things to say but then i got going on a couple of tangents and the original threads of thought have slipped away. i hate it when that happens.

some weird light keeps flashing in my window. it's been doing it for a while. i figure it's either:
a. an alien craft landing in my front yard.
b. a seriously ill pervert taking flash photography through my window of me in my two-sizes-too-big pj's.
c. lightening.

i'm going to go with answer number c. (i hate it on gameshows and radio contests when the idjits say answer number c. drives me nuts.) i can't hear any thunder but it's been ages since an alien craft landed around here and we've had a serious shortage of pervs taking pictures through windows in the past ten years so by process of elimination, it must be c.

so, yeah, that's about it i guess. i was hoping to say something really witty or clever. but, um, well, i didn't. *shrugs* at least i am feeling a bit more tired than i was before. part of the problem is that it is so friggin hot in here. my dad has apparently snuck some time with the thermostat when my mom and i weren't looking. i'm seriously thinking about installing one of those locking thermostats like they have in office buildings so that only the person with a key can change the temperature. mama and i roast on a regualr basis and he's walking around in sweatpants and wool socks, wearing a stocking cap in the den talking about how damn cold he is.

but that's another rant for another time. or maybe not since i seemed to have covered it now. so, yeah, bedtime for real this time. toodles.

11:26 pm - 02 Aug 2004


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