usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


randomness is fun

so the fact that the next two weeks are going to be beyond tight is totally outweighed by the fact that i can now drive 65 (or 75 as the case may be) mph on the interstate without having to keep a death grip on my steering wheel to keep it from shimmy-ing straight the fuck off. so yay for that. it is also outweighed by the fact that i can now take a curve in the road at 35 mph without squealing tires like a fucking drag racer. good times.

sadly i need to balance my checkbook. however, i'm somewhat scared to. actually, i think i have more money than i think i have (that made no sense) but if i really do have that much money, knowing me, i'm very likely to blow it on something sad and stupid, like, i can't think of anything right now but i'm sure you know what i mean.

so i mentioned a few weeks ago that i met a guy. i shall call him tommy from here on out, mostly because that's his name. anyway, so we were going to go out a few weeks ago but i had to work and had to cancel on him. he didn't seem to take it personally though as we have continued to talk and email quite a bit. we have tentative plans for next weekend since i'm off and he gets paid on the first. we shall see. he seems nice and all but, hell, don't they all?

so, yeah, i accomplished nothing today other than my grown-up tire purchase and the mailing of two ebay items. i wanted to finish re-doing the living room but i took a nap instead. i also wanted to finish putting my clean clothes away but, well, i'm doing this instead. i did manage to wash a load of red shirts so that i will have something to wear to work tomorrow. i just have to remember to put them in the dryer before i go to bed.

i had a good time at the birthday dinner last night. i so need to get out more. the restuarant we went to used to be the favorite hangout of my ex-husband. we ate there every single payday and they actually catered our rehearsal dinner when we got married. anyway, so i was thinking of course it would be my luck to run into him while i was there but i didn't. i did however have him pass me on the road today honking the horn and waving like a fool out the car window at me. he really is such a bizarre guy. and everytime i decide that i'm going to hate him again for the rest of my life, he does something that makes me laugh and decide that hating him takes too much energy.

so, yeah, i guess that's it for now. i'm still pissed that constantine got the boot on a.i. last night. i'm not a regular watcher like my mom is. but i do try to catch the voting episodes. that probably says something about me, though i don't know what. i do on occasion vote though and i voted for my beloved constantine about two dozen times the other night so i took it rather personal that he got the shaft. *sigh* at least i still have bo to obsess over support now.


9:38 pm - 28 Apr 2005


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