usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i'm a fucking loser magnet

so i met a dude the other day, yes, another one, who shall be known here as pyro. why? because he's a fireman and every fireman i've ever known has had a strange and often unhealthy obsession with fire. hence the whole being a fireman thing.

anyway, so pyro and i are having a chat on the phone today after i got off of work and i randomly mentioned that i wanted to see the pacifier. one, despite the fact that he couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bad, vin diesel is hot, and two, it just looked like a funny ass movie. so, he asked if i wanted to meet up and have dinner and see the movie. so, being all happy about the riding of the bike, i said yes.

i am such a fucking idiot.

yes, the movie was funny. it wasn't a great film. no one in this movie will be winning any awards. but it was funny. i laughed and laughed and generally enjoyed the whole thing. oh, and i don't know if i've mentioned this or not, but vin diesel is fucking hot.

so yeah, i enjoyed the movie except for this one part. the part where fucking pyro kept touching me. first he was rubbing my arm, then he was rubbing my thigh and then he was rubbing my hand and then he was rubbing my neck and my back and back to my arm again and i just wanted to scream quit fucking touching me you jackass.

but i didn't. i mean, there were other people in the theater after all and movies are expensive and i certainly didn't want to ruin everyone else's movie-going experience.

so, the movie gets out and we're walking out and he grabs my hand. i'm thinking, okay, he really is nice and we get along well blah blah blah. so i let the fucker hold my hand. so we're sitting in his car smoking and talking for a few minutes before i am getting in my car and heading home and he asks for a hug. so i'm like, yeah sure whatever. so i hug him.

what a fucking loser.

him and me for those of you who weren't sure who i meant by that statement.

so he hugs me and like is holding on for dear life and i cannot get him to let go and then he's rubbing my back and i am literally fucking exhausted and am practically falling asleep on his fucking shoulder and then he's kissing my neck and suddenly i am wide fucking awake.

so i like am trying to break his fucking grip and he's all moaning and shit like he's creaming his fucking pants. damn if the sonofabitch doesn't whip his fucking dick out right there and start jerking himself off all the while telling me how beautiful and sexy i am.

what the fuck? do i have like a neon sign hanging over my head or something? all fucking loser weirdo's please apply here.

yeah, so, i'm so not seeing him again. ever.

and if i do ever see him again, there will be a call to 911 in his fucking future.

now i'm home and i'm exhausted and all i want to do is go to bed but first i have to shower because i swear i can smell this fucking weirdo on my skin.

yeah, so, toodles

2:54 am - 07 Mar 2005


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