usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i'm not really a mysterious type of girl

sorry about the half entry last night. junebug, little drama queen that she is, decided that she had had enough of my paying attention to the computer instead of her and pounced onto the keyboard, which, surprisingly enough, did not send my entry into the black hole that is the dland nether regions (i totally almost typed netherlands ha), but instead actually posted the damn thing.

anyway, she then proceeded to snatch my lens case off of my desk and jump out of my lap and run under the bed. the little bitch. so now, my dog is hiding under my bed, way on the far other friggin side, with my lens case in her mouth. my lens case which contains the only pair of contacts i have until stupid wally world can refill my prescription. the only friggin pair.

have i mentioned that i am like totally blind nowadays once i take my contacts out.

lucky for me bug tends to hide her treats that daddy gives her and she just so happened to have one hidden in my shoe that was for some reason tipped on it's side under the bed instead of in the closet. anyway, so i tempted her with the cookie and she finally crawled out. complete with my lens case still in her mouth.

she knew she wan't supposed to have it and she didn't chew it at all. as a matter of fact, it didn't even have a scratch on it. but yeah, i'd so rather not go through that again.

so, last night i was saying that i think bug is fixing to go into heat again. so not fun. she was hiding under mama's bed when i got home from grandma's. i went and laid in the floor next to the bed and lifted the bedskirt. as soon as she saw that it was me she came bolting out. well, bolting as fast as one can when hunched over trying to get out from underneath a bed and crawling over various shoes and boxes of books and other crap that my mother shoves under her bed when she has no where else to put it. (throw it away mama!)

anyway, she crawled immediately into my lap and was just trembling so hard her little ears were vibrating. she seemed to perk up a little bit after we got ready to go to bed and she and i played tug-of-war with one of her headless stuffed animals. but she still wasn't the same old junebug.

she seems better this morning. but beavis has been awful humpy in the past few days. much more so than usual. besides, it's been a while since she had her last heat so i'm sure she'll be going into one soon. *shrugs* at least this time i'm more prepared. last time she ruined my brand new dry clean only comforter.

so, i have fifteen packages to get to the post office so i'm off. luckily i know today that they don't open until nine thirty so i won't be hanging around at quarter to nine like an idiot.


8:29 am - 19 Feb 2005


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