usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


this is tits mcgee with the news

so i finally gave in and watched anchorman on my computer. yay for my brother who decided i needed a dvd drive when he built my computer despite my telling him i didn't. thank god he didn't listen to me. what the hell do i know anyway?

so, i haven't mentioned this yet, but will emailed me the other day and asked me what the plans were for grandma's house. i told him that it was going to have to be sold because she still owed on it and plus she has other bills that no one can afford to pay without getting some money from somewhere. anyway, long story short, he's thinking about not re-enlisting and buying the house himself and getting a job in law enforcement or something here at home.

i think that would be great if that's really what he wants to do. he's really frustrated right now, things are not going well on his deployment at all. he's been frustrated and pissed pretty much since he stepped foot off the plane last month. i worry that he will make a hasty decision based on what is going on right now and regret it later on. he promises me that he will take time to think things over and that he has been thinking of not re-upping for a while now.

whatever he decides i will support him and he knows that and that's all the matters in the long run.

it would be great to have him home. i would love to be able to have him around more often if nothing else to make mama and daddy happier.

i called out for tomorrow. i'm still running a fever of 103. not to mention that the puking is still a problem. i'm trying to drink as much as i can but i'm dehydrating myself almost as fast as i can drink. i can't wear my contacts at all because the fever and dehydration makes my eyes dry and then there's the whole thick mucus-ey stuff that appears in there every now and again. it's gross. really.

anyway, so yeah, working with food while having "purging" issues is really not advisable says the state health department, so it's another day of no pay for me. good times. because i can so afford to be out of work.

excuse the grouchiness. really, i'll get over it eventually. i'm sorry. reading this must suck, between the gross mucus descriptions and the grouching. good times. i love you guys for reading anyway. i'd hug you, but, you don't want these germs.

hey guys, check out beth. she's an awesome woman and a terrific mom but her new year started out a little rough. she and her oldest, luke, fell down the stars and he broke his leg. poor baby is in a body cast for six weeks. needless to say, she's a bit overwrought and could use some good thoughts sent her way. stop by and have a read, she's hilarious i promise, and leave her a note.

well, tomorrow is the baby girl's birthday. that's right, my junebug turns one tomorrow. we're having pizza for dinner while watching the tech game anyway, so i'm going to go to food lion and get a thing of a half dozen cupcakes. yes, we celebrate our dogs' birthdays. so sue us, we're weird.

i finally cleaned my desk and the surrounding area tonight while watching the movie. i don't think i've seen this much of the surface of my desk since the day i brought it home and daddy painted it. i hung up my awesome new calendar. this month's retro posters says CAR REPAIRS! The OTHER thing we need men for! you gotta love some man jokes.

well, i hope everyone's year is off to a good start. well, i know how beth & luke's has started, but i hope no one else has started 2005 out with a major injury. the updating of diaries has been sporadic at best this past weekend so i'm hoping all you party animals will back to your regular updating goodness tomorrow.

you know i'll be here.


edit: fallon is reading this page right now. woohoo! hi fallon! *waves*

11:13 pm - 02 Jan 2005


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