usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


early morning

i should be asleep right now but thanks to junebug i'm not. i was sleeping right nice about ten minutes ago and then she started her whining that she does when she needs to go outside first thing in the morning. so i get up, get dressed, and drag my sorry ass down the hall towards the den to let her out. she, however, runs straight for the door to my brother's room as soon as i open our door. she sits in front of it and just wags her tail. turns out she didn't need to go out at all and she just acted like she did in order to try to get into will's room. so now, we are back in our room, she's tucked nice and cozy under the covers in the bed snoring her ass off, and i'm sitting over here wide awake, well, almost wide awake, typing away.

anyway, it's all okay i guess, i tried to make an entry last night before i went to bed, but the servers were overloaded. damn, now that i look at the clock, "last night" was only four hours ago. nice. i should be able to get a couple more hours in. my cousin and i have both not been sleeping well at all and we were having serious issues on monday. i think i mentioned that we laughed at each other all day because neither of us could talk to save our lives, not to mention that our short term memories are totally shot from lack of sleep. it made for an interesting day.

this is a bit rambley this morning, i think. i will blame it on the fact that my eyes aren't completely open. i never realized that the damn monitor was so friggin bright.

visitation went very well last night. tons of people came, a lot from out of state, which surprised me. i mean, it surprised me that so many of the older folks drove up to be here, not that there were a lot of people. actually, that kind of surprised me too. i didn't expect that we'd have so many people there. we filled the room, spilled out into the hallway and lobby, and completely filled the lounge. and that was with people outside smoking, sitting in an empty room, and having already come and gone.

she had a ton of gorgeous flowers as well. and the memory boards missy and i made were a hit. we overheard people talking about them all over the room. and the people that knew us and knew that we made them bragged to the others. it was kind of funny to see daddy and missy's mom bragging to cousin's we've never met that we made the memory boards and of course they threw in that we'd worked on them for three days and this and that. but it was nice to know that daddy and my aunt liked them so much, and they were proud of them and us and that was a good feeling. we made them smile and that was what we wanted to do. goal accomplished.

neither missy or i cried last night so we were proud of ourselves for that. today is going to be tough though. i think i will just forgo the putting in of my contacts all together. i mean, what's the point, really. i know i will cry today because all of a sudden as i was typing this the tears started to well up in my eyes. *blink blink* i'm alright now but i bought a travel size of tissues to put in my purse for this afternoon.

well, it's twenty after now, i'm going to try to get a bit more sleep before i have to get up and start cooking the after funeral food. i'll be back later on, ya'll have a good one.


5:01 am - 30 Nov 2004


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