usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


maybe i did die, this could be hell...

so, it is officially the first day of november. which means that it is officially the first day of nanowrimo. i, however, will be waiting until after i get home from work monday afternoon to begin cranking out my 50,000 words.

so, i had my first ever real hangover in about 14 years this morning. i mean, a real friggin hangover, complete with pounding head, queasy stomach, puffy and dry eyes, and puking. yes, i had the puking. i swear to god i have not had a hangover since i was 13 or 14. not like this. a bit of a fuzzy headache from dehydration or lack of sleep maybe, but a full on i want to die now hangover, no. it sucked so flippin bad.

however, my hangover did have one good point. it has taught me a very valuable lesson. oh yes, i do learn from my mistakes baby, no doubt about that. so, what did i learn from my massive disgusting death on a stick hangover you ask?

i need to drink more.

not all at once of course. i mean, on a regular basis. not like falling down sloppy nympho drunk on a daily basis, but, a have a drink a couple of nights a week kind of basis. like, my tolerance has absolutely disappeared.

wtf? i used to be able to handle my liquor with the best of them. what happened to the 16 year old who could down a bottle of cheap ass gut rot whiskey and still walk a straight line?

i got old, that's what.

but no more dammit! if the people behind the cash register think i'm not old enough to drink then i need to start drinking like it!

anyway, so i was sick as a dog all friggin day at work. i seriously at one point thought i was going to die. the moment passed entirely too quickly though and after that moment i just wanted to die. here's a tip to all of you out there. do not try to work for eight hours on your feet with a massive hangover when your job involves the cooking and selling of hot dogs.

the smell of hot dogs is not a good one when you are hungover and dying. actually, i'm not really a big fan of the smell of hot dogs ever, but it is so much worse when the lining of your stomach is trying to crawl out of your body.

so, i came home from work, took the puppies next door to trick-or-treat the neighbors and came home and passed out for close to five hours. i had some dinner and held it down for more than twenty minutes. i've had over a gallon of water to drink today. i no longer feels like a death metal garage band has taken up residence inside my skull. and i have no more lining in my stomach so there is none left to attempt an escape. so i think i'm pretty much cured.

but yeah, i'm thinking i need to have a smirnoff'o'clock maybe two or three times a week after work to build my tolerance up a bit. i've already been invited to a couple of future parties in which beer pong tournaments are already being set up, so, yeah, i need to start my pre-tournament training.

i'm going to bed. i am exhausted. i will be back to give the details of the party tomorrow. after i crank out my first six pages. six friggin pages. what the hell was i thinking?


12:52 am - 01 Nov 2004


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