usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


junebug likes cheese

so it's friday at last. it's weird when you work a job like retail because friday doesn't really mean anything unless it's payday. and i only get paid every other week so that's no big deal.

but friday is just another day, unless i happen to be off the weekend. which i'm not. i should be, but the schedule got screwed up again so i'm working tomorrow.

i am off sunday so that's alright. maybe mama and i can go to the flea market and wander for a while and then we can come home and i can either watch the race or take a nap or finally finish my laundry or vacuum or something productive.

not that taking a nap is really all that productive i guess.

will came home again this weekend. it's weird for him to be home two weekends in a row. of course, he had already made plans with friends when i asked him if he wanted to do something so i went to the library to turn in circus of the damned and then i hit books a million to browse a bit.

i had planned just to browse but i rarely leave without making a purchase and tonight was no exception. i walked out with a people magazine for mama, she is seriously addicted, and the killing dance and bloody bones for myself.

i had reserved both of them from the library but they won't be available until the end of next week and i really am just too impaitent to wait that long.

some people say i should try to work on my patience a bit. i figure i'm plenty damn patient about the important things. but i really just didn't want to wait a week to read the next book in the series. that's just wasted time to me. beside, incubus dreams in in my car practically screaming my name and if i didn't get the next two to read i'd have started it tonight and i really didn't want to do that.

if you have no idea what books i'm talking about check out my laurell k. hamilton page.

i recommend them to everyone. they are really good. if you like that sort of thing. which i wasn't sure i would when suzanne first recommened them. i've never been into reading that kind of thing before. but all it took was the first chapter of guilty pleasures and i was hooked.

so my parents are watching the debate. john kerry is such a putz. he hasn't answered a single question yet. he just keeps talking in circles. g.w. may not make a lot of sense all the time but at least he's attempting to answer the question.

so jk rowling announced that another character will die in the sixth harry potter book, harry potter and the half blood prince. but, she said, that it will once again not be harry. she said that he will live to make it to the seventh book. i don't know about anyone else but i don't want any more friggin hints about the book. i just want the book! quit giving interviews woman and write dammit! :)

so my aunt and uncle came by yesterday to say hi. this is my dad's sister and her husband. neither of them are very bright to tell the truth and they both get on my last nerve. i mean, i love them, they're family, but sometimes i just have to bite my tounge and leave the room.

my uncle was talking about the debate only he kept calling it the rebate. i seriously had to leave the room. i thought i would piss myself if i held in the laughter any longer.

a few weeks back we went to have dinner at my grandmother's house and they were there and some how the discussion turned to the election, as it tends to do with my dad. my aunt kept calling kerry, jim carrey. my mom was like, yeah, i really liked him in the mask.

she and i were laughing so hard we had to go outside. my aunt just looked at us like we were idiots and kept on talking, jim carrey this and jim carrey that. the woman seriously has no clue.

the sad thing is, out of the seven people there, only me, my mom, and my dad knew what was funny. everyone was clueless.

sometimes my gene pool scares me.

so jay leno showed this cartoony thing on his show thursday night. i missed it but my mom told me about it so we looked it up online a little while ago. i'm putting the link here and everyone needs to go see it. i don't care if you are a republican, democrate, or nothing at all. it is too funny.

so, yeah, i guess that's about it for this update. oh, i fixed the oh shit handle in my car today. thanks farty buns for telling me how to do it.

so, yeah, toodles

i want some blood, baby!

9:31 pm - 08 Oct 2004


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