usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


good morning sherlock!

okay, for those of you who have been waiting paitently, or not so paitently as the case may be, for an update, here ya go.

first of all, my friggin face is hurting right now. why is my face hurting you ask? because i have been laughing since right around nine'o'clock this evening. you are such a doofus, sherlock. :P (and i mean that in the nicest, most loving way of course.)

so i went up to target this evening to buy some batteries for the digital camera, it was my dad's but he gave it to me because he prefers to use his camera with real film, probably because he's not so good with the technological items and he's never really been able to work the damn camera since he got it. mostly he drains the batteries. hence the needing batteries. so, i bought batteries and some frames, which i have to return tomorrow because the prints i have to go in the frames are eight by twelve and the frames are eight by ten. blah

so i was on my way home, listening to tori amos, and i decided to call brandon (aka sherlock & farty buns) just to be goofy (as you all know i am) and say hi. so we got to talking and i, being the female driver that i am, (at least i can admit it) pulled into a gas station near my house and parked because i cannot talk on the phone, drive and smoke at the same time. so we talked and laughed and acted dumb for a little over an hour until his cordless phone died. at which time i called him promptly back on his cell phone and he answered the phone and continued his sentence like he'd never stopped.

so i finished driving home, without smoking on the way here, and came in the house and called him again from the house phone since i used about half my minutes talking to him on the cell. and we continued to talk for another hour, laughing and continuing to be goofy. then he finally decided he had to go to bed, after harrassing me about making a diary entry about a hundred and forty seven times, so we got off of the phone and here i am. happy?

dude, we are so good at being dorks together, we have to hang out one of these days and be dorks in person.

so, i'm off tomorrow. yay. i have an appointment with cathy in the afternoon and i get to take junebug with me. cathy has been dying to meet her so i'm going to give her a bath in the morning with her new lavender and chamomile shampoo, wash her diaper, which she just peed in a few minutes ago the doofus, and put her pretty new collar with the nice fake diamonds on her and off we go to richmond. of course, since we're going on the highway she has to wear her seatbelt, but she's pretty good about that. besides, if the trip takes longer than fifteen minutes she falls asleep anyway.

so i got to go in to work thirty minutes late this morning and leave thirty minutes early this afternoon in order to cut some of my overtime. then i took an hour for lunch instead of thirty minutes to cut another half hour. so i only have to cut two and a half more hours on friday and saturday. i have no idea how i am supposed to accomplish that.

i can't go in late friday because my grocery truck will be in at seven. i can leave early but the earliest tiffany can come in is three. i think i can cut a total of two hours out by the time i get off on saturday. but that will leave me still with thirty minutes of overtime, which the boss will so not be happy about. but it's better than four hours so i guess he'll have to get over it.

oh, i forgot! i got a postcard in the mail yesterday from kathy. she lives in isreal but she went on vacation in london and venice and she sent me a postcard from london. how nifty is that? thank you kathy! i hope you're having a blast in venice and i can't wait to see the pics!

yeah, so brandon wanted a long interesting update and i think this is the best he's going to get. thanks for sharing your art with me tonight too sherlock. i liked them all a lot, some more than others, one in particular i thought was beautiful, you probably know which one that is.

so, yeah, i'm sorry this update sucks but i think i'm tired now. i've been wired all day for some reason and all of a sudden i'm just out of steam. of course, last night i was asleep by eleven thirty and didn't wake up until my alarm went off at quarter to seven so tonight i'll probably get about an hour and a half of sleep but my book is calling to me. i want to get it finished so i can turn it in tomorrow and check out the fourth one.

i bought incubus dreams yesterday because we have it at target for sixteen dollars and it's twenty four every where else. so i've left it in my car instead of bringing it in the house so that i won't be tempted to open it and take a peek. but i don't know how long i'll be able to hold out so i need to get the others re-read as soon as possible.

so, yeah, i think that's about it tonight. oh, yeah, one more thing. i know you said that what i wrote would be good, but that you didn't think i'd make it to 50,000 words by the thirtieth. so, should we have a bit of a wager or something? i so want to prove you wrong, and it will feel even better if i win something too! :)


11:34 pm - 06 Oct 2004


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