usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


david allen, 9/20/95

well, my car is fixed, finally. it only cost me another $130.30 for a new battery and labor and whatever. at this point i hardly care what it cost, as long as i get my car back and it works and i can drive.

today is allen's ninth birthday. i hope he had a good one. i am so never dating a man with children ever again. probably.

sorry to all of you who checked the page ealier and found no update. i've been cleaning my room and moving furniture and going through papers and junk and throwing stuff away, so i didn't have a chance to get on until now.

i bought two rugs to go in my room today so i was trying to get things straight so i could move the bed so i'd have the floor space to put the rugs down. they are pink, one is solid pink, a dark pink, not a cotton candy/pepto bismol pink, and the other is dark and light pink and beige stripes. pretty nifty looking if you ask me.

i can't believe my bedroom is pink. i used to hate pink.

tomorrow night i close which i am actually looking forward to for a change. basically because that means i can sleep in in the morning. especially since i had to be up at six this morning in order to get the car to the dealership and get to work on time.

i know six really isn't all that early when you consider the fact that i know plenty of people who get up at four or five to get ready to go to work. but six is plenty early for me. to tell the truth, i consider nine pretty early too.

i really need some art on my walls. they are all bare and white and frggin blank and i hate it. but i can't find anything i really like. i looked at the flea market the other week because i usually see some cool stuff but there was nothing that day. i have my dr seuess calendar and my dry erase board hanging next to my desk.

i want to get some shelves to mount on the wall to put up some picture frames and maybe a couple of cookie jars. but i can't find any that i like that are deep enough to suit me. i also need a mirror to hang over my dresser. i want something old timie looking though, since my dresser is close to 100 years old and so is my bed.

i'm taking my vaction from work next month. so far i have only earned three full days of vacation time but i have to take it before the end of the year or else i lose it. so i picked a week when i'd be off that tuesday and that weekend and i took wed, thurs, and friday. so it technically gives me six days away from the store and pain in the ass customers and pain in the ass coworkers.

hey all you anita blake fans! don't forget, only eight more days until the release of Incubus Dreams! i am tempted to go to the library and check out everything from Guilty Pleasures through Cerelean Sins and spend my weekend refreshing my memory so that i'll know what the hell is going on when i read ID.

well, i think i am going to go to bed with my puppy and my book here shortly so i'll wrap this up. i started this entry at 8:32 and it is now 11:37. i've been writing this bit by bit as i worked in here and played with junebug and beavis and watched tv and folded clothes and stuff. i feel like there was more that i was going to say but i don't remember what it might have been so i'll just say toodles for now and talk to you peeps tomorrow.


8:32 pm - 20 Sep 2004


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