usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


tuesday toodles

good morning all. :) well, i slept a litte late this morning. not much. i was up by eight. lol one of these days i'm going to be able to sleep till noon. i hope. *sigh*

so, i was looking through the attendance record book at work the other day and i opened it to my page and was looking at all the days i've been late. :P then i came across july 16. which was marked as me calling off.

july 16 was a friday. i did an entry that day. i had a killer migraine but i worked on the 16th. i called out on the 15th and that was documented in the book also and initialed by the lod i spoke with that morning.

oddly enough, the 16th wasn't initialed. it just said gs. with stands for gstl, guest service team lead. they run the front end, they're level three's like me.

so i got the woman who does payroll to pull my time sheet up on the computer for july 16th. just to double check myself because i could have been wrong.

i wasn't.

she was like you punched in at such and such time. and you took lunch at such and such time and you punched out at such and such time. yup, you were definitely here.

i knew i had been there. friday is grocery day. i receive my food product truck on fridays and i never miss a friday. i was some kind of pissed.

now, the petty shit that has been done or said around the store by one certain person, i can overlook. i know why she's doing it, she didn't want me to get my promotion plain and simple. she did not want me to become her equal. now she is no longer my supervisor and i don't have to answer to her. and she doesn't like that.

she does petty shit all the time. she's always undermining me to my team members or to the lods or to guests. it doesn't matter who it is, if she had the chance she will do anything she can to make my life more difficult. my boss has been trying ti take care of it. he's had her in his office several times and he talks and she acts like she doesn't know what he's talking about. blah blah blah

none of it does any good so i just quit dealing with it. my boss wants me to tell him every time she does something or says something but i'm like what's the point of that? if i go to him every time she does something then i'll never get any work done. so i ignore it and go on with my job.

but to mark me in the attendance book that i called out on a day i was there. that could get me termed!

the petty shit i can deal with, she's a petty person and i know that so i ignore it and go on with life. but this is unbelieveable. i can't even put into words the way i feel about this. i would have never thought that she would go that far to get me in trouble. that one day she wrote in the book could be the difference between my having my job and trying to get unemployment.

it's beyond low. it's dispicable. and then i had to look her in her face yesterday afternoon after we found it. she smiles and talks all nice when our boss is around and i know what she did! i'm just dreading tomorrow when i have to work with her for eight hours. i'm liable to lose my job anyway! lol i'd love to smack her upside her flipping head. i'm just shocked that someone would do that to someone else. it just defies comprehension for me.

anyway, i have to just forget it for now. i was upset about it all afternoon and all night yesterday and i just have to get over it and move on. my boss corrected my record after we saw on the computer that i had actually been at work that day and all is right with my world. as close as it gets anyway. lol

so now i have to try to finish my laundry from the other night and get ready to go to work in a couple of hours. i need to go in a bit early if i can because i have a couple of invoices to pay before i have inventory tomorrow. and i need to print out all of my inventory paperwork and that alone takes a while. plus a guy that used to work in our store was promoted to my position in another store the other week so this is his first ever inventory so i'm going to be helping him over the phone for the next two days. which i totally don't mind, he's a really nice guy and we get along really well and i think he's going to do great in his position.

and, not that this is my motive, it was pointed out to me by someone i work with, and they were right, if he does well, and i'm the one who helped him do well, that looks pretty good on me too. *shrugs* i want to help him out reguardless, but you still have to look out for yourself. in a company like ours, you only have so many positions and you have at least double the number of people who want the positions and people will do some pretty crap things to knock others out of the running, as i told you up there somewhere.

i'm telling you, retail is a cutthroat business. lol

so i'm out of here for today. i'll be back sometime tomorrow after i get home from work.


9:44 am - 24 Aug 2004


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