usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


guess whose back? again, for now

OMG! can you belive it, i'm finally making an entry. it's been what, over a month i know. my parents computer finally up and died on me (i'm at the library now using their computer) and i've been crazy busy with both jobs and my stupid jerry springer life.

so anyway, here i am. didya miss me? lol

so jeff and i split for good last monday. he's dating someone else so it's definitely over. how many times have i said that in the past three and a half years? too many. but i'm good. actually, i'm surprisingly good. kinda shocked myself to tell the truth. we've talked a lot this past week and i just realized that he isn't the person i'm meant to be with. he can't give me what i want and i deserve someone who can instead of spending the rest of my life in limbo and the same can be said for him about me.

even though i'm okay, it still hurts of course. can you spend three years of your life with someone and not have it end with some amount of pain? i don't think so.

so anyway, i'm looking for a new second job. my hours got cut big time at the gas station. and when i say big time i mean, i haven't had any hours at all in the past two weeks. that kind of defeats the purpose of having two jobs. so i'm actually going to put in a couple of applications when i leave here.

target is going well. i'm looking at a possible (cross your fingers for me) promotion in the next couple of months. it would bump me up from a level 2 specialist to a level 3 supervisor. it would also be a nice bump in pay. but i have to go to a nice big series of interviews with various store managers first. essentially i have to "interview" for the job i already have. they are just doing away with my position and bringing in the level 3 position. it isn't likely, but it is possible that the position could go to someone else. needless to say i'd be slightly pissed but i'm focusing on the positive right now. lol it's mine!

so, i'm working on paying the bills, with little or no help from jeff, not that i expected a ton of help anyway. it is jeff after all. he's given me a little bit of money but not much. he keeps swearing he'll be able to help me soon. but i am well aware of the fact that he isn't making a lot of money as a rookie driver and he still owes quite a bit of back child support. not helping me sucks but it isn't going to get him put in jail either. and if he goes to jail for his child support, then i'll never get any money. *shrugs* what can ya do?

so my goal is to get some of this crap paid off and start looking for a place of my own. i'm most certainly going to have to rent for a while before i can qualify for any kind of loan to buy a house but that is my ultimate goal of course. i'm hoping my tax check is in the mailbox when i get home because that would certainly help me make a bit of a dent in some of this mess.

so i guess i need to get out of here. i need to get home and get dinner started so it'll be ready when my mom gets home. my brother is going to be building me a computer but it'll probably be a couple of months or so before he gets it done. hopefully sooner than later but he's doing it for free and spotting me most of the money so i can't complain. i'll just have to start coming back to the library more often i guess.

so i'm out of here. miss you guys. talk to ya soon!

4:36 pm - 11 Feb 2004


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