usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


how's the weather out there?

i took some snake books that joey loaned me to work today to gross out the chicks that i work with. that was the highlight of my day.

well, there was the part of the day when jeff thought it was wednesday...

anyway, so we are turning the spare bedroom into the reptile room. since we got the 6 new snakes and the monitor sunday night we don't have room in the living room to keep adding everything.

now we have 10 snakes and 10 lizards. i think.

anyway, we have the king size waterbed in the other room. we have been draining it since 7:30 this evening when i got home from work. it's not even half empty yet. well, maybe half. but that's it. it's draining mightly slowly. oh well. it'll get done eventually i guess.

we are going to take the waterbed frame apart because it's 2 pieces. we're going to seperate the 2 pieces and we'll have 2 very nice sized display areas to set tanks. that way we can seperate the animals that require high humidity, ie: the iguana, the geckos, and the pythons, from the ones that don't, the monitors, the corn snakes, and the kingsnakes.

we talked with joey and amy tuesday night about working on going into business. jeff and i really want to get into breeding and selling. we want to one day own an exotic pet store but to do that you have to have capital. which we don't.

but, we can get into breeding and such as it is. doesn't take a whole lot of capital. still takes some but not nearly as much. we have a breeding pair of kingsnakes and as soon as we find an adult female ball python for a reasonable price we will have another breeding pair. and, kingsnakes and pythons are very popular.

then, we just have to find people to buy them.

we'd like to get into breeding feeder mice for sale as well but there is no way i'm doing that until we have a place where we can do it outside. can't do that in an apartment. no way. have you ever smelled the combined shit of multiple mice housed in one tank? it's not pretty.

anyway, we have made a sale on our website. woohoo! someone bought something from us but i'm not sure what. i think jeff knows. i'm leaving the reptilecity site to him to deal with. right now i'm reading up on houseing and breeding as well as general care such as dealing with illness and injury.

one of the female kings we got sunday has mouth rot. ick. we've gotten a ton of advice from different people ranging from injecting antibiotics to swabbing the mouth with listerine.

hmm. jeff told me earlier that he had to be at work at 2 in the morning and i just looked at the alarm. it's set for 4. should i try to wake him up and risk pissing him off to make sure the time is set right? if he oversleeps and is late for work he'll be pissed then too.

oh well, i guess i'll try to wake him up real quick and make sure he didn't set the clock wrong for some reason. then i'm hitting the sack myself.

i found out tonight, after dumping a bunch of crap in the garbage disposal, that said disposal is not working. so tomorrow i have to call the apartment people and have them come out and look at it. which means i have to get up in the morning and clean the kitchen. again. i feel like all i ever do is laundry and clean the kitchen. everytime i finish cleaning the kitchen, jeff decides to clean cages and piles shit all over the counters and everything. and of course, because he is who he is, he can't be bothered to clean up after himself. *shrugs* i've dealt with it this long...



Everyday I fight a war against the mirror
Can't take the person staring back at me

12:41 am - 02 Aug 2002


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