usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


rambling update

so tomorrow is the day. my first appointment with my new therapist, leah. the intake lady, jennifer, that i met with tuesday says leah is rilly nice. but then, what else would she say? it's not like she's going to tell me that she's a bitch or something right?

so anyway, i'm actually not as nervous as i expected to be. i'm sure when i wake up in the morning i'll be feeling a few butterflies. i've been feeling better ever since i made the descision to call and see someone. i guess it's all mental. (bad choice of words?)

anyway, so her office is like 2 miles down the road from us so i don't have far to go. and the doc i'm going to see on the 18th is in the same building as well. so that's all good.

i haven't told my parents yet. i went to see them tuesday afternoon after my appointment and i had planned to tell them then but i chickened out. they are just going to worry about me even more than they already do if i tell them. i plan to tell them eventually, i'm just not sure when.

i was telling jeff why i hadn't told them and i said something to the effect of they'll just worry and worrying doesn't solve anything and it won't help me any. he just looked at me for a minute and said, "so why do you do it all the time?" hmmm, insightful question. lol he's right. i worry all the time about everything. no matter how small the issue is, i worry. and why? apparently, that's just how my brain is programmed. i've been that way as long as i can remember. *shrugs*

anyway, so off that topic for now. did i mention to you all that jennie is pregnant? she's due in march i think. by the boyfriend who dumped her to date her sister. hello? jerry springer? i think i have a show for you... so whenever the baby is due we'll be getting sierra and drake for a while. jennie had rilly bad post-partum depression with both of them so she asked if they could stay with us for maybe a month or so after the baby is born to give her a chance to deal with the new baby and get back to normal, whatever that is. oh, it's going to be a boy too.

anyway, so jeff is off at her house watching the kids again tonight. he should be on his way home shortly. i need to find something to fix him for dinner and straighten the kitchen up before he gets here.

i just woke up a while ago. i came upstairs and crashed after work, i had a killer migraine today, so bad that my whole neck, face and shoulders hurt. i couldn't turn my neck or open my mouth without pain. so i stopped at the store on the way home from making the night deposit and stocked up on some caffeine and sacked out on the couch for a couple of hours.

my boss was supposed to show up around 8 to cut the locks off the units we have up for auction tomorrow but she never showed. she was supposed to do this like a week or so ago and she never got to it. oh well, i guess we'll just have to do it before the auction. we only have 4 rooms up so it shouldn't take too long anyway. so far we have like 20 for next month. hopefully some people will be inspired to make a payment or two between now and then. but i don't rilly expect it with christmas right around the corner.

god, christmas. i haven't bought a single thing. jeff and i are trying to wait for our bonus check to come in and his settlement check from rent-a-center. we had to make car payments and child support payments out of this last check so that didn't leave much for shopping. *shrugs* i'm not going to stress. it'll all work out. yeah right, i stress over everything. lol why should this be any different? =)

well, i guess i should go. my head still hurts so i'm gonna find something to fix for jeff and hit the bed as soon as he gets here. gotta get up early for my appointment in the morning anyway.

suz ~ thanks for calling me today. love ya. =)

sel ~ glad to finally have another update from you girl. we missed ya. =)

steve ~ i need an update man! where the hell are you? =)

juggy ~ just wanted to say hi cause i haven't talk to you in so long. =)

night guys ~ me

11:06 pm - 05 Dec 2001


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