usmcsis's Diaryland Diary



good morning folks. hope you're all having a great sun-shiny thursday. *grin* okay, enough of that cheesy shit. let's get on with the bitchin'.

so not bitching rilly. or maybe it is. i have come to realize recently that when i think i'm not bitching, it still tends to sound like i am. i'm confused, but hey, when aren't i confused? anyway, moving on.

so jeff called me from downstairs this morning and woke me up, 10 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. i rilly hate that. does anyone else rilly hate that? if you wake me up an hour before the alarm goes off, fine, cause then i can make you go away and go back to sleep. but 10 minutes is always the worst. first of all, it's going to take me at least 3 to 5 minutes to make you go way, that leaves me with only 7 to 5 minutes until the alarm goes off. and did he have anything earth-shattering to say? anything that couldn't wait until 12 when i go downstairs to work or until 9:30 even when i got up? no, of course not. *sigh*

the sad thing is, that little mini rant up there isn't even the bitching i want to do...

so jeff called me this morning (and woke me up - oh, you already got that huh?) to tell me that no one would be able to come in and work for him on saturday the 27th. so? you ask. what's the big deal?

well, the big deal is that the 27th is the day of kelly's wedding (and potentially the last day of our friendship). the wedding is at like 6 in the evening and will last until approximately 7:15. then we head off to the reception where, as a bridesmaid, i get the great honor *rolling eyes* of sitting at the "head" table. so kelly has decided that she wants all of her bridal party to have their significant others sitting with them at the "head" table. i say table when in fact it will be tables. 7 of them. 7 that seat 10 people each. her bridal party have like 15 or 20 people in it or something.

anyway, the point is that i rilly rilly wanted jeff to go with me so that i wouldn't have to be the only person there without a significant other sitting with me. plus, kelly will have a fit because i am fucking up her nice even numbers. how can she do 7 tables of 10 with me being only 1 instead of 2? sounds stupid right? well, that is the kind of bitching i heard from her the entire weekend at the beach. *groan*

anyway, so it's not rilly any big deal but i was talking to my mom yesterday and she was like, "i am not going to the reception. you're dad has to work so i'm going to the wedding and then i'm going home. have fun." lucky b... oh, um, never mind. i wish i coiuld skip out after the wedding and come home, but, as a member of the bridal party i have to stay until the very end of the reception and help be a hostess to the guests as they leave after kelly and tim leave for their night of unbridled passionate virginity losing. what kind of bullshit is that? why can't i just go, eat my chicken dinner and go the hell home? because it isn't proper ettiquette.

do i sound like i've been listening to 4 crazy people talk weddings for 3 days straight? oh, i do, okay.

it's not jeff's fault that he can't go. the company is short handed right now and there just isn't anyone to send over here to work for him. it just makes me feel like shit because for like the entire last year that we have been together he has been making excuses as to why he coulndn't go to this wedding. i think honestly he made the first excuse in the first week of november last year. and since then like every time i mention it he groans. i know he doens't want to go but hello! could i get a little fucking support here? like how many things like this have i ever asked him to do? one. my birthday and most of you know how that turned out. if you don't, scroll back a few entries.

anyway, so we close the store at 7 on saturdays so i was like you could just come to the reception.

him: well, i could, but by the time i got there it'd be like 8'o'clock.

my comeback was: well, it doesn't start till 8 so you'd be good to go.

him: oh, yeah. well, then i guess (he drug the guessssssss out for a minute) i could do that. where is it?

me: fort lee officer's club.

so here is where i was waiting for him to say, oh no, i can't go there, i got banned from the officer's club in high school. i've heard that excuse several times over the past year.

him: oh, no, i can't do that either.

me: why not?

him: jennie will want to bring the kids over.

me: you have known about this wedding for a year. that is plenty of time for jennie to find alternate arrangements for the kids and then we can pick them up sunday morning.

then it hit me. he told me something interesting about jennie just yesterday.

me again: besides, i thought jennie's car was broke? she won't be driving to work or anywhere else so why can't she keep the kids saturday night?

*side note: her piece of shit car needs a ner transmission*

him: uh, i don't know. she'll probably want to bring them anyway.

me: fine. no big deal. i'll just go by myself.

yes! it is a big deal! i want him to go with me! how fucking hard is it for him to understand that? i don't NEED him to go, he doesn't HAVE to go. but goddamn it i WANT him too. doesn't that count for anything?

when was the last time we had plans to do something just because i wanted to? oh yeah, the aforementioned birthday fiasco. and before that, nothing. jeff and i went on a date in 1994. and it wan't even a date because he had a girlfriend. we went to see a movie and he doesn't even remember it. hello, stupid man, pretend you remeber it. say, yeah, i remember that time we did such and such. god, men are so fucking dense.

okay, i swear, i did not plan for that *points up* to happen. i was just planning to write about him not being able to go and stop there. oops.

10:54 am - 18 Oct 2001


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