usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i need a thumb to make a space

okay, typing hurts. lol i can't hit the spacebar with my right thumb so it's throwing me all off trying to type. in case you are wondering why i can't use my thumb (oh shit, i just forgot i can't use my thumb and hit the space bar with it! it flucking hurts!) my dog bit me yesterday.

actually, i guess it is more realistic to say that beavis tried to remove my thumb from my hand yesterday. he had this rawhide treat thing that my mom gave him and he wasn't eating it, he was just holding it in his mouth and growling at everyone who walked by. so anyway, i was sitting at the end of the couch and he came over and laid next to me and started growling at me. this is part of a game btw, he likes to pretend that we are going to take his treat away from him. anyway, so i was watching tv, the indy 500 to be exact, and not really paying attention to him so i just reached over and was going to pet his head.

well, apparently, i moved my hand to far past his head and he thought i was going to take his treat so he opened his mouth to like re-adjust his hold on it so that i wouldn't be able to take it from him and when he did that my thumb went right into his mouth. then he clamped his teeth together so that no one would be able to take the treat away.

in case you didn't know, jack russell terriors have extremely strong jaws. my brother has carried beavis across the yard hanging from a piece of rope in his mouth. but anyway, so i screamed and my mother thought he had just nipped me and she was like move your hand or he might bite you again. i was getting ready to tell her that i couldn't move but beavis thought that i was still trying to take his treat. he didn't know that he had my thumb firmly clamped between his teeth. so he started shaking his head back and forth like dogs do when they are playing with stuff.

when my whole arm started jerking as beavis moved his head back and forth, my mother realized that i was stuck. the problem is that beavis thought we were all after his treat. mama was trying to pry his mouth open and get my hand out and he thought she wanted his goddamn pig ear. so, after what seemed like forever but was probably only 1 minute at the most he let go.

so now my thumb is swollen like almost twice the normal size and it's my right thumb too of course. it couldn't be my left hand. *sighs* have you ever noticed that you use your thumbs to do absoluetly everything? i can't even properly light my ciggys. i have to try to use my left hand which is just awkward and the first time i did it, i burnt my fingernail. lol

my fingernail is slowly turning purple and it's torn across the bottom corner, pretty much guaranteeing that it will be falling off sometime in the future as my nail grows out. that's because of the bite too btw, not the fact that i burnt it. cause i burnt my left thumbnail. anyway, i'm outta here. see ya later.

9:28 am - 28 May 2001


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