usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


twitterpated today

so my friend marinda told me today that i was acting all twitterpated so i changed my mood again. i think i've been twitterpated before but i don't think i've ever heard anyone use it in a sentence before today. lol

so i've been very very good on my low-cholesterol diet for the past week and two days so i'm going to cheat big time tonight and have a wendy's cheeseburger and fries. horrible i know but i refuse to feel guilty. mainly because i've been living off wheat toast with fake butter and melba toast with nothing. :)

so, twitterpated. that's just a fun word. lol so why am i twitterpated you may ask? i met a boy. *insert big cheesy grin here*

okay, so if he sees that i called him a boy again he'll say something to the effect of *deep manly voice* i haven't been a boy for quite some time. or something like that.

anyway, so i haven't met him face to face yet, we met online. which normally i'm so not into the whole let's meet a person online thing but i was sitting around doing nothing one day and decided to fill out the survey thingy for free and just see what happened. when i came home the next day i had like eight matches and one of them was brandon.

he was the first one whose questions i answered and after about an hour i was put all my other matches on hold and we were sending messages back and forth for the rest of the evening. lol and we've been talking ever since. for hours and hours every night. first we started on aim and then we kind of graduated to the phone and now as we talk on the phone we both still play around online so we occasionally message stuff to each other.

so, he's really really nice. at least he is on the phone. lol i asked him if he was a psycho axe murderer who buried his victims in his backyard and he said no. actually, he said that he preferred a hack saw and he buried his victims in his neighbor's backyard. that way when they get arrested he can be on the news saying stuff like, they were such quiet people. lol

we totally have the same sense of humor. that sarcastic sense of humor, you know the one. lol and we laugh the majority of the time that we're talking. and he's just so damn nice. lol

he's got a good job, he rents a house and maybe might be buying one of these days. he seems like a totally stable type person. you know, the exact opposite as what i've always been attracted to in the past. he's actually a friggin grown-up! :)

so i could go on for ages and list all the dumb cheesey stuff that we say to each other, and yes, you say some of it too sherlock. but i won't cause that would be really sappy. and it looks like it's fixing to storm so i'm going to go get my dinner before it rains.

anyway, so, i'm twitterpated and i've been walking around with a big stupid grin on my face for days and i can't help it but i'll let you know how things work out.


5:00 pm - 22 Jul 2004


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