usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


*blows raspberry at monitor*

what is it with men? or maybe i should ask what is it with me?

i just don't get it. this guy is rambling on about shit i don't care anything in the world about and then talking about how much we have in common.

um, no.

this is definitely the last time we talk. coincedentally, it is also the first time we've talked. so basically, it'll be the only time we talk.

no offense of course. he probably can't help it that he has no personality at all.

there must be something wrong with me. it can't be every guy i meet that has something wrong with him. i mean really, if you take the common denominator from all the equations, it's me.

i meet one really great guy that i like a lot and he totally loses interest after two weeks. and every guy i meet after that is, well, is just not the right guy i guess.

i've already been invited to go to louisiana to stay for the entire month of september, yes, the entire month, and i've never even had a conversation with this man, only email messages, we haven't been on instant messanger or anything. um, thanks for the invite, but no.

one guy gave me a lecture on music appreciation and the history of jazz.

now i like jazz, i like classical, i even listen to opera on occasion. but i listen because i like the music, i like the way the music makes me feel. i don't care about the technical side of things. it just isnt' my interest.

well, i'm told that's the ignorant way to enjoy music.

'scuse me? didya just call me ignorant? well, i must be, i'm talking to your dumb ass. but not for long. buh-bye.

so the next guy was interested in those same types of music as well as rock and some rap and blah blah blah blah. and he didn't lecture me. but his life long ambition is to own a bmw.

now, i like a bmw as much as the next guy. but i don't see it as my life long ambition. and i can't say i'm overly impressed with anyone who does.

maybe i should just become a lesbian. i got hit one by another woman again today. i don't know what it is, i must send out some kind of vibe that attracts all the lesbians within a ten mile radius or something.

she told me she liked my shirt. so i was like, well, thanks.

it hugs your tits real nice.

that's what she said to me.

then she introduces herself to me and asks if i would like to maybe get together sometime.

um, sorry. no.

i don't even remember what i said to her, other than it was along the lines of no, because my chin was still on the floor from the whole tit hugging comment.

anyway, so i'm not on a quest to find a man, and it's a damn good thing too or else i would be very depressed right now. i just figure it never hurts to take the scenic route now and then.

i do think, however, i'm going to have to study my map a bit more and see if i can't find a different route.


11:45 pm - 11 Aug 2004


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