usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


luv our pets

i'm in teller school this week, learning how to be a bank teller. as a matter of fact i should be finishing my homework right now but i'm just not in the mood. i'll get it done in a little while. i've just had enough of cashing checks and doing deposits and credits and debits for one day.

there are a few girls in my class that i think are going to end up losing their jobs. you have to pass the class with an 80 to keep your job but some of these chicks are so bad. they are way slow and they make tons of mistakes on the practice accounts. i wouldn't want any of them to process anything on my account.

so i start in my branch next week and i'm looking forward to it. it's just a few miles up the road and even though it's only a part time position for now hopefully there will be a full time opening soon. plus my branch manager is going to let me work some full time hours in the first few weeks as i get more training.

we added to our "extended" family again yesterday and are adding to it again tomorrow. yesterday, jeff's baby ball python arrived. she's so pretty, and very tame. i laid on the couch with her yesterday afternoon and she just lay on my chest and let me pet her. right now jeff's walking around with a python braclet around his wrist. lol

tomorrow he's heading up to the dc area to pick up some geckos. we're buying 4 baby geckos for $70. that's a great deal. hopefully we'll have at least one breeding pair. we already have a buyer lined up for the 2 extras when they are a little bit older. we'll sell them for $50 a piece. that's a nice $30 profit plus we'll still have 2 left to breed so we can sell more in the future.

we plan to breed the ball when she's a bit older as well.

so now we have spike the iguana, joey, our first savannah monitor, raziel, our newest savannah (we just got him sunday, he's a bit older than joey), patch, our bearded dragon, whom we also plan to breed, t-bag, the ball python, sugar, the ferret, fred, the chinchilla, and the 10 mice we're breeding to save money. it'll be much cheaper to breed our own food rather than have to go to the pet store and buy pinkies and fuzzies every other day. plus, we can let a few of them reash maturity so that we can feed raziel the adult mice. the pet store has also said they'd buy any extra pinkies and fuzzies as well.

that was a nice long paragraph and most of you probably have no idea what most of it means. *shrugs* jeff and i need to win the lottery. we rilly want to open our own exotic pet store. but that costs a lot of money. you can't even get a business loan without $10000 for collateral. oh well, maybe one day.

well, i'm out of here. feeding time was about 2 hours ago so it's about time to clean a few cages and let the ferret run for a while. night.

8:56 pm - 05 Jun 2002


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