usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


no flag, no country, that's the rules

so yesterday was the fredericksburg reptile show. jeff and i decided to ride up there when i got off of work. it took about 45 minutes to an hour to get up there. traffic actually wasn't too bad. usually when we head up to northern virginia we spend at least an hour just sitting on the interstate.

anyway, so it was hotter than hell yesterday. and the sad thing was that it was cooler yesterday than it was friday.

it was only like 97 yesterday, it was 108 or something friday. we broke a record.

of course the a/c at work had to die on friday, just before i got to work. omg, talk about hot. it took less than an hour for it to get to 100 degrees in that damn building.

anyway, so back to the reptile show. it was hot. and it's the first show that they've ever done so it'll get bigger and better of course. you learn as you go with stuff.

so there were some pretty good vendors there. we actually knew 2 of them thanks to jeff's great networking abilities. lol actually, one guy, dennis, runs the northern virginia reptile rescue and we've gotten 3 snakes from him the past few months.

so we swore that we would not be coming home with any live animals. and we almost made it. lol actually, we bought some crickets to feed the geckos. there was a cricket beeder there that had 500 crix for 4 bucks. can't pass that up, they cost a buck for 20 in the pet store.

so we talked and joked in the car all the way up to fredericksburg. that was nice. we ended up leaving earlier than we had planned just because it was so hot and it was later in the day, a lot of people were sold out of their best stuff. so we started back around 3 and got home by 3:45. jeff had to be at work at 2am this morning so he needed to get home and get to bed.

but, first, lol, he took me out to dinner in a restuarant that doesn't serve it's food out a little window in the side of the building! lol

i'm not sure he has any idea how much that meant to me.

it was totally spur of the moment. i thought we were going home so i could make waffles cause that's what he said he wanted and then he pulls up in front of this little italian place.

and, even better, he hinted to me that he is planning to take me out again in october. it will be our 2 year anniversary.

so all in all yesterday was a good day. jeff got over his social anxiety for a few hours and we had a really good time.

now, he's been at work for 10 hours. he went in at 2, it's almost 12:30 and he's not home yet. sunday is always his worst day. he is so going to crash when he gets home. anyway, i'm off to do laundry and stuff i was supposed to do yesterday. lol



no flag, no country, that's the rules.

12:14 pm - 25 Aug 2002


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