usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


u-haul is full of bullshit

omg! i just finished my hearing with the man from the unemployment office. all i can say is OMG! well, i did use a few other colorful descriptions for miss amy-fucking-hullet once i hung up the phone.

instead of interviewing amy directly they received a statement packet from the home office of u-haul in arizona. you guys remember me mentioning it in the past don't ya? it's where all the inbred folks work. it's where jeff and i filed our complaints against amy that got me fired and him put on permanent medical leave.

anyway, in the statement that he received it said that i had received multiple verbal and written warnings!


one, i never, ever fucking got a verbal warning. never once. that lying fucking bitch!

two, i never, ever got a single fucking written warning!

the investgative dude is calling az now and asking for copies of my written warnings.

they listed my reason for being fired as excessive delinquint accounts. more bullshit!

i am so pissed right now. if i had that bitch standing right here at this moment... OMG!

i am calling arizona right now. hold on. the only way i can get a copy of my employment file from them is to supena the company or wait until the guy at unemployment gets copies of the things he has requested and then go look at them.

i got the feeling from him that he was going to rule in my favor. he was a very nice man and probably the only reason i am not driving my ass straight up to the office and going off on the bitch if because he was so nice about everything. well, that and the fact that jeff is at work and he has my car.

i haven't been able to file for my benefit weeks. i have tried to call and was told that i did not have a valid benefit week. i figured that it was because of the hearing but the guy said i should have been able to get benefits up through the hearing. he said i may be elegible for more benefits if he rules in my favor. so what he is going to do is put in for 2 weeks worth of benefits for me today so i should receive a check by the end of the week for about $700. i started crying when he told me that. jeff and i are so desprate right now. he has 2 more weeks before he will get his first check since he started in the middle of a pay period and we are fixing to lose our power and our phone.

$700 will totally save my life right now. and he told me to file for my 3rd week of benefits tomorrow morning. that will be another $350 check in the next few days.

i feel like the sun is actually shining on me right now. people who say that money isn't everything are the ones who've never been without it like i have.

of course, i know how my luck runs so i am being careful, looking around for those fucking trolls. i don't want to be kicked back into the bottom of the hole.

well, i'm off to apply for a job and then get ready to go to work.

cross your fingers for me that i win this hearing.

11:12 am - 15 Jul 2002


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