usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


british bad guys

so what's new today?

um, well, let's see. i am once again out of a job. i had never been fired before u-haul and now i have been fired twice since may.

good times.

so they let me go at the bank. i know it is a really awful time to be out of work what with the being evicted and everything, but i must admit that it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

i hated that place.

i've never had i job i was just plain bad at before i went to work at the bank. from day one i was just bad. i did well in teller school. i scored the highest grades on all the tests and everything but i just sucked once i got to work. i don't understand it.

so i applied at bed bath & beyond today. they are hiring for just about everything and, they pay more than the bank. jeff and suzanne have both decided that i'll have a job by the end of next week.

plus, i make more on unemployment than i did at the bank anyway.

*insert huge sigh*

we got offered a house today. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, big kitchen, new fridge, stove and dishwasher, large backyard with deck and a front porch.

the only problem is that we have to put down an $800 deposit...tomorrow. and we're $250 short. we wouldn't be if i hadn't paid all of the utilities today. but i did, so oh well.

we're supposed to ride over and look at the house tomorrow when jeff gets off of work but i don't know if we will or not. it feels like a waste of time to even mess with it.

we have talked to both our friend patrick, and jeff's cousin daniel about doing the roommate thing. actually, daniel mentioned it to us last weekend out at jeff's folks house. but, daniel isn't quite ready to move yet. he said give him another month or so, and patch doesn't have a job which means he's broke too, which defeats the purpose of having a roommate with whom to split the bills.

if we could come up with the $250 we need tomorrow we could handle the rent from there. i've been doing budget numbers and such all evening. and if daniel or patch moved in sometime in the next couple of months that would basically solve major issues.

i'd try to borrow the money from tara but she and raul bought the boat from us last weekend and she gave us 200 bucks, which i used today to get the phone turned back on and pay the electric bill. well, part of the electric bill anyway. enough that they won't turn it off. *shrugs*

i keep wondering what the hell did i do in a past life? i must have pissed someone off very badly. *insert feeble chuckle*

on another note, one of our snakes died today. the male baby burmese python.

i can't get in touch with my folks either. i tried to call them thursday night and friday night and got the machine both times. i'll ride over tomorrow and spend a few hours with my dad.

well, it's 2am and jeff's gone to work. the house is locked up and quiet so i'm off to bed.

have a good weekend everyone.


We play bad guys in movies because of the Revolutionary War.
The Death Star was chock full of British actors.

1:15 am - 07 Sep 2002


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