usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


finally, a day off!

so here it is at quarter to five in the morning of my "day off" and i am wide friggin awake. god this schedule is going to kill me.

never again will i work 7 days in a row without a day off. never. when i got off of work sunday morning i was so exhausted i hardly knew my own name.

but i don't go back in until midnight monday night and i'm off again on wenesday. and payday is friday and my check is going to make last week so worth it. lol

tired or not i still love my job. i can't believe i'm sitting here saying that i love my job and i work retail again for crying out loud. i was so miserable a few years ago before i was finally able to get out of the retail death trap. and here i am, right back in it and loving it.

sure, we get asshole customers and creepy truckers who think they have the right to cop a feel just because they've been on the road without human contact for days at a time, and sure, there is always the chance that i'm going to end up with a gun in my face at 3am and some jackass demanding all my money or whatever, but i love it anyway.

so my brother came out to see me today. that was nice. my parents are peeved that i didn't drive out there and see them but i'll go on wenesday when i'm off again and see them. today i was dead tired and getting behind the wheel would have been just a tad dangerous as i couldn't seem to keep my eyes open for more than five minutes at a time.

i was sitting on the porch reading and waiting for will to show up when all of a sudden this huge truck literally roared up the driveway. scared the shit out of me. now i was expecting will to drive up in his nice little S-10 that's he had since '99. and here he is in the big honking Silverado.

man, is that ever a gorgeous truck. he said he was just driving past the dealership friday evening on his way home and saw it on the lot. he got home and told my dad that he was going to buy a new truck the next morning. kind of like love at first site, man style. lol

crap, i'm hungry. all day long i wasn't really hungry at all and now, at 5 in the morning i'm hungry. of course, right about now i'm ususally eating a muffin or a biscuit for "lunch" so i guess it makes sense, but rilly, this sucks.

i can happily say that working 3rd shift is an effective diet aid. lol i have lost 5 pounds since tuesday. :)

suzanne - i will try to get him to bring the book by this week. the problem is that he is either rushing to work because i don't get home until 9 amd he needs to leave by 8:30 or else he is in a hurry to either get home and see me for an hour before i go back to bed or else he's in a hurry to get home because i need to get to work. i may have to try to drive out there myself on my day off if i have the gas money for the extra trip. i also need my fourth harry potter book back. i let you loan it to lois back in october so if you could make sure you get it back from her so that we can exchange them. i want to read it again before the 5th one comes out.


4:46 am - 26 May 2003


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