usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


don't worry, i didn't get a life while i was gone

so i was told today that i needed to update my diary. of course, i agree, i just hadn't quite gotten around to it. *shrugs* it's been a long week.

i received my law and order season one dvd set in the mail so i've been watching that most evenings. and catching up on my reading. like i ever really fall behind on that. lol i've been working on my ebay addiction, selling and buying.

i hate my job. so i'm looking for a new one. i'm sending out resumes, attending job fairs, and buying work clothes. the shopping is fun, the rest not so much. actually, i'm enjoying the job search more than i am my actual job at this point.

i'm only spending the money that i earn on ebay when i shop on ebay. it's almost like i'm not really spending real money. it's kind of like trading a couple books for an awesome pair of shoes that i am absolutely in love with and i so hope i win. then i have to get an office job so i can wear them!

anyway, i've been a bit down lately. not about work or my lack of a love social life. we haven't heard from my brother in two months now. since he sent daddy an email in feb telling us that he wasn't re-enlisting. i'm sure nothing is wrong because we would have been contacted by now if he was injured. he told us he would be travelling all over the continent this deployment so i'm sure that's all it is. can't help but worry though.

rin's father, the one i told you about who got the liver transplant, who was doing so amazingly well just weeks after his transplant? he's rejecting his liver. once you're body rejects an organ, you are more likely to reject future transplant organs. things do not look good. she is understandably upset and worried and i'm trying to be there for her when she needs me.

daddy is also not well. i don't want to get into it very much seeing as he just keeps telling mama and me that he's fine, but he's losing weight at an alarming rate and he's constantly exhausted. he sleeps most of the days now. i'm probably blowing things out of proportion, at least that's what he tells me and mama when he sees the worried looks on our faces. i hope i am just blowing it out of proportion.

tomorrow mama and i will go to the flea market. i wish daddy could go with us. i used to love it when the three of us went and then we had lunch afterwards and it was always nice even though daddy and i spent a lot of the day arguing. lol but he is too weak to go so he'll stay home and rest while we go wander for a bit. then i think the two of them may go road tripping for a few hours. if daddy is feeling up to it that is. i bought mama a homer laughlin plate (she collects them) from the cynthia series for mother's day. it isn't much but i know that she will love it.

so, yeah, i guess that's it for my update. happy now sherlock? i'm sure i have some other stuff to say, like i could tell you about going to the races last night with friends and stuff but i don't feel like it right now. daddy is freezing so he still has the heat on and i'm about to heat to death in here and my head is hurting cause of it. i'm going to see if i can sneak my window open when i go to bed. anyway, toodles

10:39 pm - 07 May 2005


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