usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i think my left contact is inside out - ouch

got home from work today and my dad's truck wasn't in the driveway. no biggie. he goes places sometimes. so i head to the house and i actually stop because i don't hear any barking. which is highly unusual as beavis starts barking before i even pull into the driveway every day. so i'm like, they must be sleeping. so i come in expecting to hear them jumping off the bed and tearing down the hallway. nothing. no puppies at all. very weird.

daddy just got home. he went to the grocery store and apparently the puppies didn't want to go in the house so he opened the truck door and they both jumped in. so he took them for a ride to the grocery store. now they are both hyper beyond belief. they love to go for a r-i-d-e. and yes, we have to spell that word in front of them because they know what it means and they will break all their legs trying to get to a damn car if they hear the word ride. we have weird dogs.

i sold 12 books this week. not bad. not great either but i'm at 100 feedback points. yay me. and i won my auction for the pink 50's princess phone and i am anxiously awaiting it's delivery. plus i am really looking forward to getting my season one law and order dvd set. i so love me some law and order.

work sucks but what's new? i have inventory in the morning and i've already agreed to work an hour over tomorrow afternoon, but then i'm off thursday so it's all going to be okay. *sigh* school is going to be uber expensive, $1500 for two classes. eek. so cross your fingers for me that i can get some serious financial aid and a book grant. i'm going to do it reguardless of the cost. i may just have to do it one class at a time. we'll see. i'm hoping to start in the june session. i have to see which of my credits from my previous college experience will transfer, if any of them.

i'm so tired. i'm just feeling worn out lately. i figure it's mostly the stress from work and i'm just so glad to be home all i want to do is hybernate until i have to go back again. plus i've been working out some, walking and doing the pilates and while it energizes me, it also wears me out in the long run. my sleeping has been better for the most part in the past couple of weeks. i haven't even taken a sleeping pill in two weeks or so, but i needed one last night. i kept thinking i'd fall asleep without it and the next thing i knew it was four-thirty and i was so dead i think i finally passed out. tonight, if i lay there more than an hour, i'm taking the damn pill.

anyway, so i'm off to package and ship some books. and relist the 103 that didn't sell. toodles.

5:07 pm - 26 Apr 2005


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