usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


fucking pollen

so i've been a bit slack on the updating recently, going from making multiple entries a day to just a couple in a week. it's been a strange week. i've barely been online at all other than to check on my auctions (wanna buy a book?) and to read my daily dose of diary updates.

i did, however, buy this pair of flip-flops... (at target of course) because i always own at least one pair of brown sandals. they go with everything.

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then i also bought this pair of flip-flops... (yup, target again) cause i'm into the pink girly thing and they were on sale.

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and tomorrow night i plan to give myself a pedicure and paint my toenails pink. or maybe blue, but probably pink.

since i haven't been online much i have read three books this week. the other side of the story by marian keyes. loved it, love her. even if it is *shudders* chick lit. material girl by julia london. it was good, not great, it's the first in a trilogy loosely based on shakespeare's king lear. i had already read the second, not realizing that it was a second, so i got the first on ebay for like fifty-cents and now that i'm finished reading it, it will be listed on ebay for sale. so not a keeper. but totally worth the fifty-cents. and i just finished all she ever wanted by barbara freethy which i bought brand new several months ago and never read and it's already listed on ebay but i decided to read it before i sold it as i had nothing else to read.

i bought bet me by jennifer crusie on ebay the other day and i'm waiting on it to get here so i can read it. and then i'll probably sell it. yeah, i know, i could just use the library, but i might like it enough to keep it and re-read it. but if i don't, it'll sell and i'm totally addicted to the ebay thing anyway so there you go.

i'm a bit rambly tonight it seems.

tomorrow is payday and that's a very good thing. my direct deposit should be in this week and that will be nice. i have to buy two new tires on monday and money will help me with that as we all know i damn sure won't get them on my looks.

at least not this week anyway, as my eyes are all puffy and red and the skin on my nose is peeling from the eight million tissues i've used in the past few days and my lips are all chapped and gross cause i have to breathe out of my mouth (ick, i hate mouth breathers) and my nose keeps running despite the aforementioned eight million tissues. allergy season in virginia, gotta love it.

i got to leave work an hour early today as they are trying to cut hours and i felt like total shit. so that was nice. i wanted to come home and take a nap but i decided to try not to fall asleep. so i read an entire book instead. see above. now i want something else to read and i don't have anything that i haven't already read. maybe i'll start on harry potter again. i want to read all five before july anyway so i'll be all ready for the half-blood prince. *shrugs* i practically have the first three books memorized anyway.

so, yeah, this is an exciting entry. and it's just about my bedtime so i think i'll finish my slurpee and go to bed.


9:41 pm - 14 Apr 2005


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